Everything I covered in this course, just because you learn something does not mean to make a difference. Like Bruce Lee said, knowing is not enough, we must apply willing is not enough we must do. I want to make sure that everything you learn in this course you start playing to your life because there is the only way to make a difference. Keep in mind, you don't need to apply everything at once. My suggestion is to go through the seven factors that you learn in this course and see which of the seven factors will make the biggest difference in your life at this point. Once you're clear which back you want to work on first, simply start I will be reminded all over my house that remind you which factor you're working on.
For example, let's say you want to work on your self image. Make sure you sit down and you create a clear picture of the person you want to become and creating the formation. This supports that idea. They put reminds a lot Your house to make sure you remember to keep up with your affirmations and visualization every single day. Once you've done that, and you're very comfortable visualizing and repeating affirmations, then start working on the next factor that you want to develop some factors you might find easier than others. Everyone is different.
Basically the right mindset for sustainable weight loss. It's all about programming your subconscious mind to work with you instead of against. Make sure you read the PDF report is included in this chapter. If you have any questions or comments about any of the factors you'll learn about the right mindset for sustainable weight loss, don't hesitate to email me. I will also love to hear success stories and how you managed to apply the seven factors into life. Thank you for taking my course in that truly believe you apply the lessons in this course we will make a huge difference in your weight loss efforts.
Thank you