Beliefs, very closely allied to mind traps is check your beliefs. our beliefs and values have a large impact on our thoughts and feelings which control and manage our energy. These influence our behavior. So when we have challenges and problems, do you have a value and belief that builds you up to help you know that you can take this on and with help possibly solve it? Or when you have a problem, you just go brick wall, it's impossible. What's the first thing that comes to your mind?
So managing our beliefs, trying to see two sides of the same coin so that we have a thought and a sense of getting through it is an important skill to help us manage our energy and language 30 skill to manage your energy, language, check your perspective. Don't waste time and energy worrying about the what is the cutters, the shoulders in life, life's too short. What could you do to be better prepared for this time as you're halfway through Next time, can you do practice? Who can you help? What resources do you need to increase the quality of experience and increase the potential of the outcome. So those are three keys for the teenagers, the adults and the seniors that are watching to help you better manage your energy, taking a step back, mind traps, perspective, beliefs.
So until next time, imagine yourself with more energy for life.