Hello, in this video we are going to look at strings and expand our knowledge more into the methods and some of the extra features a Python provides with strength. So first of all, let's create some string. So I'll call this string one and set it equal to pi font. Amazing. So remember, we can see this print office doing like so. We can also just print part of the string so we could just do this one is FFC as we might know a variable in other languages.
So if I do one, for example, that will get the second character starts at zero. So we do one called before we get to one for kotas for run this There we go. Python is amazing why myth Okay, we've already sort of covered this before, not specifically strings, but just in general. So we can also update strings as well, obviously, you could do string one equals something else, but there's a pretty cool way that you can update it. And that's essentially by just updating, you know, a particular part of it, or just accessing a particular part of it and then appending it to another string. So you could do the same thing.
You could do one. So let's go long for for this the first few characters to add, let's say, Bob at the end space, and let's see what we get. So there we go. So you say so yes, the first locator p yt. Is pif and then space that we put in and then bought. That's a pretty cool thing that we can do.
Another thing that we can do hmm string, put pipeline. This is something called escape characters, not going to cover all of them. It's going to cover in a while too. And I'll provide a link so you can check the rest out as well. So the escape closure for new line, space for tab, and really, really awesome. So let me show you the new life bass Kota, just released string.
Actually, yesterday, Quint, if I was gonna print something in line here, hello, then, well, if I want this on a separate line, what I can do is just do backslash n. And that's new line that's very common. You see the color change in the ID, it's very common that that either newline character like said the several other escape characters and I will provide a link so you can check the rest but they need some sort of similar format to this. So if I run this now There we go. Hello and Buddha's are so polite, even though he's only one principle in everything that we can do is called concatenation or more specifically, special character for strings. And again, there's a whole heap of them, I'm going to cover one or two, and I'll provide the link so you can see the rest as well. So one of them is called concatenation.
This is something that you'll use a lot when it comes to string manipulation. So what you could do, we have string one and string two, if you wanted to add them together, you could just do string one, equation, three on there, set it equal to spring one ball, I want to join spring one and two together. So for ad three we want to go to and this isn't a mathematical ad, when it comes with strings. It actually just concatenates them which just sticks them together, you know, string one, and string two a second for the print. Three and let's run this There you go Python is made in Python is the best, I didn't see that there isn't a gap there. So if you wanted an EPA data, we could even create a variable that has a space in there, put a space in one of these.
But you know, maybe we can't have a space at the end of this or to start this. So what we could do is just do quotation mark space in the world abroad, and that concatenate query string, so string, one string, which is just a space, and then this string, which is, you know, string two, and you can concatenate as many as you want. and a bunch of other special characters are provided in so you can check them out as well. So let me see. Yeah, so Python is made in Python is the best. So next, we're going to be covering the format operator.
So at the moment, our strings have generally just been simple like this, but you might need to form it based on the different variables. that the user provides you or different, you know, pieces of information or you know, from somewhere else in the application, you put, you know, be concatenating them, but that's not the most elegant solution. And you know, there's a bunch of different format characters. So if let's say you want to do print, let's create some variables. So we'll do vol one equals Hello. equals, will only be like that, and then I'm gonna print this.
Say, hello, for me the greeting, this is the best world, but instead only use the format operator. Don't want to put a cent FM. So this will essentially say you need a string, you know, to be placed here. We're gonna have send us here. You could have been, you could have sent it for some sort of decimal integer, you could have, you know, F for some floating point real number. And I said I'll put, I'll provide a link.
So you can check all of the different operators out. There's too many to Google about numbers, you know, the general usage, you're all good to go. So now after the quotation mark before the bracket, percent, and now open close bracket, and now you specify the actual pieces of information in this order. So this is the first one, this is the second one, each one separated by a comma, and it can have as many as you want. So vol one and Commodore two. So you could obviously put the string here yourself, if it's a number that's got the number, or we've got variables.
So let's run this and see what we get. Scroll down Hello. Hello, this is the best. Well, it looks like it's one string, but it was two different variables using the format operator. So now let's take a look at triple quotes. So if we have, so if all Google know it's very popular text, just dummy text, he just flows very well.
With the actual lorem ipsum text, here we go. We have this and we put in a variable, and what do I call it, Lauren? Because I didn't see that quite long. I have an enclosed in quotation marks here, but you know, that's not very elegant. So what we could do is do something called triple quotation marks, starts here. And anything we put after those triple quotation marks, essentially, is part of this string.
So if I were to press enter here, I think the theme though something new lightning still got the green color. to it and let me do it again. Yeah. There we go. And to end it, you just could triple quotes and therefore to be print. Lauren, Lauren, and for you Oh yeah.
So scroll down. As you can see, we now have our lorem ipsum text. And so if you want it on several lines, this allows you to essentially do that. So it's syntax for, you know, triple quotes consists of, you know, you know, a single or a double set of quotes. So, if you, you know, wanted to span multiple lines, obviously, in this case, and this is something that should be on one line, but this was an example, this, you know, will really, really help and then finally, I'm going to cover some built in string methods again morning going to cover one or two. So what I'm going to do is just forget about that all go down here.
And what I'm going to do, let's say for var for coffee, I've got three balls. Darian, Gopal four, equals Hello, well, and maybe only all capitalized. Fortunately, there's a method for that called noise, like so. And if we specify the method for and we specify the piece of data And we scroll down and they can okay so again a problem. Let's take a look at one up got the method that is part of all string variables capitalized and let me make sure I've actually spelt capitalized correctly. No should be event should be a method that we bracket at the end.
It's a method see what we got? So still Cappy nine out. Scouting grenade it should be in a there. Again just my bad And there we go. So that has not been capitalized. Either sorry, I don't know where my mind is today, he capitalized the first letter of the string four rerun this.
Now what we'll do, please go back, check adding See, the first letter is no capitalized. So about that little confusion so that I hold HIPAA methods and operated. So for some other built in string method, there's one for each digit, we can check you know, if the string only contain digits, you can check it with a numeric value, if it only contains whitespace using his space, and so forth and so forth. So feel free to check it out. The method are looking for you to capitalize with up arrow just remember the font tend to open up convert all lowercase letters in the string to uppercase. So that's it for this demo.
Thanks for watching. I look forward to seeing you in the next video.