Creating safe feedback environment. A safe work environment encourages people and teams to speak up. It enables learning and it promotes innovation and accountability. It is the role of leaders to actively promote a feedback safe environment and share that responsibility with the team. safe. Safe stands for setting boundaries, sets expectations, feedback and holds everyone accountable.
Activate visible to people receive feedback. scalability, openly admits to mistakes and displays gaps in knowledge and skill. And power encourages teams to speak up and take decisions in their area. setting boundaries. Let us look at the element of say sets boundaries with your side and notice it that behavior holds herself and the team accountable for bad behavior. In a fair and consistent way, activate actively uses role models both clear and calm campuses to promote and manage feedback.
Ability, openly acknowledges mistakes, shows gaps in knowledge and expertise as learning opportunity shows humility empowers delegates work and promote and self management to team members. Use this feedback to enhance personal and organizational performance.