Insights into Stress

9 minutes
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Okay, so this new section, what's the name of this one is called from stress to relax. And so it's my hope during this session that I'm going to take people, including yourself, who are stressed are experiencing stress in life to deep relaxation or some deep peace. Can't, can stress ever be good. I mean, I'd be afraid of as a business guy losing my edge. Oh, well, you know, actually, there is some good stress. So there's good stress and there's bad stress, but the good stress is related to personal growth, and it's a temporary condition so.

So whenever anyone has to go through a personal growth period in their life, it means they have to step outside of their bubble. And so when people do that, it tends to be uncomfortable and stressful, but it's temporary. And then when you get past that initial stress you're into a more, a better version of who you're meant to. So for instance, it's like, learning how to do these videos and stuff is a real stretch for me, you know, so I've never kind of done this stuff before. So I've had to step into the uncomfortable to take my game up a notch, I guess, as a healer and as doing business on the internet. So we all know what stress is.

But what's the definition? Well, it's funny, you should ask that question because I just happened to have a definition of stress right here. So the definition of stress, which I found on the internet, states, a state, excuse me that stress is a state of mental or emotional strain, or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. So what that means is, is that most everybody that walks on the planet today is experiencing some type of stress or another and so what that means that we're all experiencing adverse or very demanding circumstances So stress was kind of the the, the term stress was kind of coined in the 20s, the 20th century. And so I often ask myself, how did human life get to be that way where we're we're all experiencing adverse conditions. So that's one of the things we're trying to tackle in this class and helping people learn to relax and find more peace in their lives.

So it sounds like what you're telling me is that some stress is good to help you perform to another level, but it's that mindless rumination that that causes the causes the bad stress, right? So that's a stress that lives in our minds. That may not be real, it may be based on something that happened to us in the past or maybe projecting in the future. So stress doesn't actually exist in the moment only our perception of stress exists at the moment. What are some of the types of this new stress? Well, some of the new stresses that we're experiencing are unique to the 21st century.

And one of them for sure, is revolves around technology. So I'm actually doing an entire section that relates to the stresses associated with technology. But things are speeding up. We all know they're speeding up. We're going through kind of an evolutionary phase right now, we're not only growing on the outside with our technology, but we're also growing on the inside with our spirituality. And then the other stress that we haven't really experienced to the extent that we're experiencing now is overpopulation.

So our world is exploding with people. And we're competing for limited resources. So we all feel the strain and stress from that. So we're all walking around with our phones in our faces. Yes, indeed. All 18 billion of us.

Yeah. Are there different types of the traditional spirits? Yeah, so when I talk about traditional stress, I talked about stress that is kind of historic. We've all experienced it throughout the ages. But I boil it down to essentially three types of stress, and one is unavoidable stress. And so that's the stresses that we experienced just by being human beings.

So you know, we get stuck in traffic, we have to pay our rent, we have to take care of our kids, people get sick family members die. And so that's the kind of stress I call it unavoidable stress, it's the stresses that we all get to experience just by being human beings. And so you can't really avoid that stress, but you can manage it. And so meditation is one really great way to manage it. But there's also exercise some types of therapy, you know, good diet, and all that kind of stuff, you know, stress reduction tools that we've all known for so long. And then another type of stress is avoidable stress.

And so this is a little more subtle. And this is a type of stress that is born of suppressed emotion from the past. So we all experience trauma in our childhood and in our past. And what happens is that if we don't experience those emotions fully, what happens is that they get suppressed into the sub conscious. And then they're they lie. They're like living little creatures waiting to get out.

And so those little emotions that are suppressed in our subconscious will start to create scenarios that they can be experienced. And so we'll start to see repeating patterns of the same pain over and over again. So for instance, I was kind of browbeat as a kid. So I grew up being afraid of authority. And so every time I came in contact with an authority figure, I was always afraid. And it didn't matter who the boss was, was a nice guy or a jerk, I was always afraid.

So that was kind of me experiencing this level of stress, which was just something that was based into my past and actually projecting it and recreating it in my present and into the future. So that's, I call that avoidable stress because that can be healed or released through meditation or some type of healing work. So it's a little more subtle and it takes a little more awareness, but that can actually be dispatched. Interesting and like the same person, you know, failed relationship after a failed relationship. Yup, it's some sort of pattern that they have caused by some underlying stress or Yeah, or some event from the past that they're recreating subconsciously and unknowingly. So it can be related to not only relationships, but you know, if you have troubles with finances, or it can even affect your affect your physical health, you know, you can see it in any area, where you have a repeating pattern, and everybody has those.

So all it takes is a little awareness and reflection to see those. And the last stress the third one that I call a traditional stress is not living the life you were born to live. And so that's also a little more subtle, it can be something you're not totally aware of. And it usually is a as created through some type of conditioning. So like a family, like in your family, maybe you are raised to be a lawyer because you're on the family of lawyers, but you know, your true calling is to be a chef or a fisherman or something and so you go out and live the family business and be Come this lawyer in your life totally unhappy so. So the part of the beauty of meditation is it can get you into can peel those layers away and actually help you tune into who you are as a person and hopefully encourage you to be who you are meant to be.

So being an insurance guy. Exactly right. So how can meditation help stress Okay, so like, especially in the traditional types of stressors for the first time, way meditation can help stress is through through your physical health. So there's lots and lots of documentation and research that's been done that proves how relaxing and a deep level and meditating can increase your health. Some things are like, oh, it'll regulate your hormones and stabilize your heart boosts up your immune system now. So just relaxing is like a really healthy thing to do.

So that's one way we can alleviate stress is through relaxing deeply and managing our health in that way. So many of us don't do that we just go chasing the next thing. Well, and that's big and technology feels that so, you know, we're everything is moving so fast right now, it's really hard to stop and slow down and de stress yet. It's something we need to do to be healthy. It's an actual requirement of the job. Yeah, so another thing that meditation can help alleviate stress is by doing the healing work from those suppressed emotions.

And so when you go into a deeply relaxed or a meditative state, you can actually focus on those suppressed emotions and really effortlessly release them. And when those are gone, or when the experience fully, those repeating patterns will stop and the stresses that go into those repeating patterns will go with them too. So So that's another way meditation can help And the last way is that I kind of mentioned that briefly is that meditation when you peel the layers of of away of those suppressed things from the past, and you can release your conditioning through meditation and what happens is that who you are meant to be will start to blossom. And you can start to step into the passion of, you know, the type of person you're meant to be. So with continued focus, you can actually discover yourself. Don't we all

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