You will benefit greatly from good communication, whether it's in the form of a motivational speech, or just to give really clear instructions, so your team knows exactly what to do. Communication is very important when dealing with your team. If tasks are not clearly defined, if people start to work on the wrong task, or in a task in the wrong way, not really understanding why it needs to be done, then mistakes will be made. charisma and charm is also very important for getting your vision over to people. It's important that your team realizes why you were doing what you were doing, and why it matters. So how do you do this?
Vision and passion are important here. Because it's the way you deliver your message that shows people that you really believe in what you're saying and what you're doing. As soon as you really believe in what you're saying, it will come across in the way that you do everything. It will show in your expression, it will show in the content of what you're saying. It will show in your gestures and the way that you move about in front of people. These gestures are important too.
This is the way that you move your hands and your body as you speak. And when you do it correctly, it can make a massive difference to how charming and convincing you seem. The most charismatic people in the world all get this right. When you can move your hands around and use big body language You take up more space, which makes people more interested and more engaged with what you're saying. You also demonstrate more conviction and congruence. This is the opposite of coming across like a shrinking wallflower was perhaps embarrassed or shy about what they're saying.
A good thing you can do to show confidence is to slow down. Simply slow down. This gives a feeling of confidence to the audience. Remember, your team which is your audience will panic if you panic. If you're slow, methodical and calm, then your team will react in the same way. Slowing down immediately makes you come across as more confident there are other benefits as well.
If you slow down, any instructions or directions that you give, will be more easily understood and followed. Particularly if your audience or your team are taking notes. Slowing down helps you to think about the next statement before you make it. It tends to make your voice a little bit lower. And actually you sound a little more intelligent. There's something else quite subtle that's going on here too.
And this is that speaking too quickly, can make you appear like you're trying to get everything out as quickly as possible. Because you're not really sure if people want to listen to you. If you speak very fast, it may seem as though you're trying to get it all out before you get caught off. This is especially evident when it comes to telling stories Someone very confident, who is a natural storyteller will start by gradually setting the scene and creating a context for the story. They will pause for dramatic effect and they will build up to the big reveals and the punch lines. Think back to the people who have held court at parties you've been to.
They all will have used this to good effect. Or Instead, try watching the videos of youtuber Elliott Hulse. He will often start with some kind of question or statement, and then leave a deliberate pause at the same time gazing at the camera before following the statement up. This is powerful stuff. Once you try this technique, you will find that leaving a silence at the end of the statement and taking your time Quite nerve wracking. It takes a bit of skill, but when you do get it right, it really works.
Effective communication is the thing that people get wrong both in a work situation and in their personal life. So how could we define it? What is effective communication? effective communication happens when we deliver a message to someone, precisely, with the correct meaning efficiently. Your objective and communicating is to convey the exact meaning in the minimum time. This has the dual effect of keeping meeting time to a minimum and also ensuring that people don't have to keep coming back and asking what the message was or what the instructions were.
This is why it's a Big mistake to use too many big words, or too much jargon. Often people try to do this and sound clever, when in reality, it just makes them sound insecure, as though they have something to prove. What's more, it makes it much harder for some people to understand. And it wastes people's time in reading. So why not just use the fewest words possible, and avoid those dramatic pauses entirely. If the only thing is efficiency, then we could just talk like robots.
And this is where precision comes into the equation. Of course, we can minimize and simplify many, many words. But would these words give the precise meaning. For example, we could say that it's cold outside. It's a very general term. But if we said that it was freezing, which is a slightly more complex word, it gives a better idea of how cold it is.
It is below the freezing point of water, you need to wrap up warm, and there's possibly a wind that goes along with it. So it's a much more complex term, and it's much more descriptive. It's precise. Another important tip to make sure that you are seen as effective and efficient and someone worth following is to dress the part of a leader. Now this may seem shallow, but it's a fact that people do tend to follow people that look the part. This simply means taking care of your appearance.
The way you dress, your hair, even your physical fitness. These things are important. It shows that you care. A team wants to know that they'll leave cares. This all boils down to what is known as the law of attraction. If you look a certain way, and act a certain way, then you will become the person that you are acting like.
This is because you will change the way that you feel about yourself. You will change the way other people see and perceive you and how they respond to you. Now, some people watching will say that these attributes that I'm describing are really not them at all. They're not centerstage people. They don't have a broad image. They don't gesture when they speak.
They don't modulate their voice. This is not them at all. So what if I'm shy and retiring person? You simply don't want to be in the limelight. You feel uncomfortable when introduced to new people. What can you do?
One solution is to start practicing social confidence. You put yourself in scenarios that are quite stressful socially. You do this again and again. Don't shy away from social contact, but welcome it and look for it. Eventually, you'll find that you'll become desensitized. Each time will become less of an ordeal.
You'll start to feel comfortable with all eyes upon you. You could also combine this with CBT. Tell yourself it doesn't really matter what people think. As long as you're helping to achieve the goal you believe in. This is just one more reason why it matters to have passion and vision. A great way to face this social fear and to desensitize is to start taking stand up comedy classes.
And even try to stand up in front of a real audience and tell jokes. Once you use these strategies and start to desensitize to the social pressures that are really fictitious anyway, you'll start to enjoy yourself. You'll slow down, you'll be calmer and you'll see more confident to your audience and your team. They'll be more willing to listen to you and to follow you