So now we're going to briefly go over shadows. And of course, we know what a shadow is. Now, shadows, it makes up a big part of lighting. Because if you have a shot that is nice, it's nicely lit and everything like that, but the shadows look janky then it would destroy everything. And this is probably the biggest thing that you would focus on when you are lighting something, especially when you're lighting in a, in a very controlled space. The shadows need to be you know, paid attention to.
And this is why fill lights are very important because it gives you that control over your your shots because the fill light is there to kind of help you out with the shadows, because sometimes you might get shadows are just too much. And you need something to kind of fix that for you. Especially when everything else is looking nice. Everything is looking perfect. Everything is the way you wanted it to be. But then you've got this big old shadow that's just there and it's really destroying your image or your shot.
So what do you got to do? You got to bring in some film like that. You got to control for the shadows. So you might need to bring down the intensity of some of your light sources to accommodate the fill light because the fill light does bring some extra light to the scene. So all of this needs to be taken into account when you are watching for shadow. Now the shadows are going to be more intense when it comes from a hard light.
So if you got a light beam in straight action, then you're going to have some really, really heavy shadows. But of course, if you use a diffuser, then the shadow is going to kind of soften but it's still going to be there, especially in it and it really depends on how far or close you are from the light source itself. We went over harnessed soft light earlier. Now Hard Light is going to give you heavy hard shadows, heavy thick, dark shadows, and then Soft Light is going to give you it's going to soften the shadows for you and the shadows are going to be very minimum. And working off of this concept is really going to help you When working with shadows in your shot, shadows can be fixed in posts. We know this.
But the problem is that if you have shadows that are out of control, then working to fix that would be much harder if you were to, you know, do it in post as opposed to fix it in camera. So that just about covers shadows. So let's move on to the next lesson.