So let's take this a little further, click on speed dial, and we're going to go into the program. So here's what you get. And it's the phone number and call, but you're going to click on this little toggle right here. And you're going to click there and there's more information there. So we're going to go over that. Sometimes it doesn't quite.
There we go. Okay, so the first thing is an icon, you can have the Phone icon, oops, you can have the Phone icon and you click on that the icon, and here it shows that you can change the colors. So if you you could maybe color coordinate your wit to one with your different icons, or you can put different little pictures in there. Or you can upload a picture or take a picture. So we'll upload a picture of George Clooney. There he is, and will say choose and they will say Done.
And there now we have an icon of George Clooney. So then the net, which we'll get to in a second. The next one is we're going to configure this shortcut we show it that's the phone number we've done. Now you're going to add to Siri. And that's a phrase, you can say whatever you want, and record it. Speed Dial George Clooney.
And there it is, and then press Done. Let's compare shortcuts to probably what you're doing now. Now, you may say something like Siri called George, and Siri will say which George and then you have to pick which George and you'll say mobile or home, and you'll pick which one and then she'll dial. With shortcuts. If you just say Siri called George, she'll know it's George Clooney, she'll know it's his cell phone, or whoever it is, she'll know exactly what number and when, who to call. So it's a lot more streamlined.
And you also have the choice to get a widget which is a little button on your screen that you can just press and that will do a one touch dial call also. And you can create a shortcut for each person you call a lot. So shortcuts is just more streamlined, more efficient. And each shortcut can also have a widget. And now we'll go into the widgets back to the settings, we'll select the next two, which I'll show you in a little bit. And then if you want to Add to Homescreen is if you want to have an icon when you open your phone, so you can just tap on the icon and I'll call right away.
So if you do hear the directions right here, it says you want to tap on the button at the bottom of the screen and then select Add to Homescreen. So you tap on that button. You scroll over find Add to Homescreen select it, and there you go. And then you click Add and there's a speed dial icon on your desktop with one touch and merit dials. Don't like where it is on the page, just simply press down till it shakes. And then you can drag it to the page you want it to be on.
Maybe you might want to have it on the first page. So right when you open your phone, there it is and you have one press speed dial, and then press the home button to stop the shaking. Okay, so I'm just gonna do a quick recap of this. So we're going to go and speed dial and I'm going to edit it down to just call George. So I'm going to go into the upper right hand corner to edit speed dial. There's the phone number.
I'm going to hit the top toggle button and it says right here, speed dial George Clooney. What I'm going to do is click on that I'm going to rerecord phrase called George. Okay, so now it says called George. So we're done. And we're done. So now I'll show you if we just go to speed down In the library, we click on it and there it calls George.
Or let's do this too. Hey, Siri, call George. Running Your shortcut. Isn't that cool? She knows exactly to call him. Okay.
And then lastly, if we go like this, and we click on our home screen, there's, here's the different shortcuts I have for all the different people. And I click on George, and it calls George one touch calling. Now, is that cool or what? Yay, you did your first shortcut. So take your hand, put it on your back. Give it a couple Pat's because you did it.
So this is your first shortcut for your home play. Play around with setting everybody up. And you can use abbreviated names like called dad and things like that, and then come on back for more shortcuts that you'll use all the time.