All those reasons that we're afraid of feelings they really play a part in my feelings are trouble and there's more to it a little more about my feelings become trouble. They really are awkward and uncomfortable. And we often have a conflict between how we feel and how we behave. Sometimes we feel like growing whispering that we're really yelling. We get mixed messages about feelings and how we express them. Most of us don't have a lot of emotional literacy or skill in regulating our feelings.
And the past consequences of experiencing them often get in the way of how we're going to manage them now. So we're really not very much athletes when it comes to our feelings. We don't know how to regulate them what to do with them, and how to feel them in ways that are effective and helpful to us for where we want to go. Yes, you know, this means the video is about to end. What are the reasons that feelings are trouble for you? Has someone told you so?
Are things happening the cause of your feelings that impair your work or personal relations How do you know your feelings are troublesome? Think about it and make notes somewhere