If x is greater than three, which of the following is equivalent to that whole thing? Okay, so don't let the fact that there's a lot of x's in fractions into the nominator make this look, any difficult than it really is, it's really not difficult a lot. So they're just asking us to really just simplify this. And whenever we can simplify this is to get rid of the fact that we have fractions in the bottom. So one way we can actually do that is by multiplying this whole thing by x plus two times x plus three over x plus two x plus two times x plus three. Now there's two reasons I did this one is that x plus two times x plus three over x plus two times x plus three is just one right?
I haven't actually changed this all I'm just multiplying by one essentially. But the cleverness of this, right at least I think it's pretty clever is that even though most Applying by one, essentially, I'm also going to simplify this whole thing. And here's how I'm going to do that. On the top. What am I going to get? Well, I'm just going to get x plus two times x plus three, because I'm just multiplying it by this one right here.
What about the bottom? Well, think about it this way. I'm taking this thing right here. Okay, this whole thing, and I'm multiplying it by this fraction, and this fraction. So I'm going to have here x plus two times x plus three over this x plus two. So the x plus two is going to cancel out and I'm going to end up with x plus three.
Okay, same thing with the other one. I'm going to have x plus two x plus three over this x plus three and the x plus threes are going to cancel out and I'm going to be left with Yeah, exactly x plus two. And now have x plus two times x plus three over x plus three times x plus two. All right. Now from there, I can actually simplify this a lot more. Now, how can I simplify this?
Well, if you simplify this, you'll actually see that your answer is B. Okay, just FOIL this out and you will get an answer that is B and there should be a plus right there. Yeah. Okay. And if you've got this, you'll get b