Meet Your Instructor Video

The Ground Zero Self-Published Author Meet Your Instructor Video
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Learn more about the person who will be chauffeuring you along your literary journey. Your instructor for the free intro to "The Ground Zero Self-Published Author" online course is Joylynn M. Ross, author of Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business: Ways to Achieve Financial Literary Success. She is an over 22-year literary industry professional. She’s written in multiple genres under the names Joylynn M. Jossel, JOY, E. N. Joy, and N. Joy. She's currently the main instructor at the "Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business" conference held every September in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition to being a certified literary instructor and verified literary consultant, Joylynn is the instructional content expert for all Path To Publishing course curriculum. She’s also the head of student services for the Path To Publishing DIY MBA in publishing program.

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