So now let's talk about how you can have an assertive body language. So when you communicate with someone, only 7% of words, and 93% is non verbal, it means that the words have a really small impact on the communication. What really matters is the 93%, which is your body language, your eye contact, the tonality of your voice, and many other things. So, why it's important to have an assertive body language is that if you know how to become assertive, and you know what to say, but your body language is the body language of someone who is not confident and on assertion, what will end up happening is that when there is a disconnect between what you say and your body language, people will believe the body language. Why? Because it's 93% of the communication.
So I will show you the tools and the techniques in this course, on how you can communicate better with People with the words. But here, I really want to show you the nonverbal parts to become a surgeon. So let's start. The first advice I'd like to give you is to have the shoulders back and your chest open. So in other words, you open your chest and your shoulders back. So this is the posture of someone who is confident, and you can try that right now.
Just stand up and do this exercise. adopt the posture of someone who is not assertive. It means that your shoulders are down, your head is down, and your chest is closed. Now on a scale between one to 10, how assertive are you? And how confident are you? For me right now it's a three.
And now if I put my shoulders back and I open my chest, it's almost eight to nine to 10. Why? Because the posture would influence your assertiveness and your confidence level. Why? Because someone who is assertive and confident will have this posture here. So it means that if you adopt the posture of someone who is assertive, guess what, you will become assertive and you will have the body language, the 93% that will be assertive so that when you will be communicating, people will say, Oh, this person is assertive.
So, shoulders back just open. You can also imagine that you are Superman and you have a cape that can really help you to have the great posture. The other one is deep breathing. I would like you before you go to a meeting or before you have to deal with conflict, or before you have to state your opinion or your ideas to take three big bet to take three big breaths. So you inhale by the nose, and you exhale by the mouth. You don't raise your shoulders and you try to research your belly.
Try this with me right now. 123 and you can already see that I'm more relaxed and more confident just by the power of deep breathing. So you can use that anytime that you need to become a confidence or become more assertive. The other one is the underwater moves, when someone will be won't be confident. What they will do is that they will move a lot and it will be really fast and the gestures will be uncontrolled. Like right now I'm really stressed.
And I'm talking to you. You can see here, I'm not being assertive at all. But I would like you to do is that to imagine that you are under water? How would you move on the water? How would you communicate underwater and you will see that your moves be slower, and will be more controlled. And this is how someone who is assertive communicates.
So right now I'm communicating with slow movements. So this is how a confident and assertive person would behave. So imagine that you are underwater. The next one is about your voice. Because I know that there are some people who don't like to project the voice. And if you want to become a surgeon, you will have to talk a little bit louder and to project your voice.
But it has to be in a non aggressive way. You don't want to be aggressive with your voice. You just want to have a competent, firm and friendly voice that doesn't fluctuate. It means that you don't want to have Excuse me, can I just add something to the to the to the to the to the to the meeting. You see here, you just want to have Excuse me, can I just add something to the meeting and it has to be authentic. Hidden voice.
And this here is a huge part of the nonverbal parts. So I encourage you to to listen to our searches people and to competent people. And try to pick this tone of voice of confidence and assertiveness. The other one is eye contact. So this one here is really important. If you want to become assertive, you must learn how to maintain eye contact.
So, if you want to break eye contact when you are being assertive, never look down, because it shows that the other person is more dominant than you break the eye contact to the right or to the left. And you will see that people will respect you more if you learn how to maintain eye contact. If you are not used and you're not comfortable maintaining eye contact, you can look at the eyebrows. So it's something that works really well and people won't notice a difference. So it will give them the illusion that you are maintaining eye contact. So just to be clear here, this tip that I'm giving you about The eyebrows is if you're not comfortable maintaining eye contact, maintain real eye contact is more powerful than just looking at the eyebrows.
But it's something that can really help you. And this one here is optional. It's depending on the situation. If you have a serious conflict with someone, maybe you don't want to smile. Or maybe you do, it all depends on the situation. If you want to ask your co workers to do some extra work, some extra work, maybe it's great to go there and ask them with a smile.
They will appreciate it. So what I encourage you to do is to smile often, but don't smile too much. Also, don't be always smiling too much. Otherwise, people won't take you seriously. It has to be a balance between assertiveness and smile. And I it's really difficult to show you this balance through video, but I would like you to experience it.
Try to start smiling when you are assertive a little bit and see how people react to you. Do they take you seriously do they do what you Ask and try to find the right balance between becoming assertive and smiling. So, to recap, what is really important here is the posture, adopt the Superman posture. Breathe deeply. Imagine that you're on the water. Imagine that you have a strong and powerful voice, but it's not an aggressive voice.
You maintain eye contact, and depending on the situation, I would say most of the time, you can smile