So this is our fourth unit and taking charge of changing here we're going to look at change and choice where feelings are actually flags for us. The solution for dealing with those really yucky feelings that change brings yaps, it's choice. Especially if you're the one who's at the effect of the change. Yeah, again, it's still choice. And choice is something we really need to recognize its power. I mean, is it candy?
Or is it an apple? When we have a feeling it's like a flag on a mailbox? It's just something that lets us know a change is occurring, any change any from any to even if we feel anxious, because what we want to look at is what is the change? What do I want from it? And how can I make it an opportunity? It will still feel lucky in some ways, but you'll have the power.
And so the question becomes then for all of us, what is the degree to which I've gotten accustomed to pity sympathy, comfort and attention, which are the byproducts of many changes. Now this is not uncommon for people who've survived childhood trauma. That doesn't mean it's free you want to stay. This is the end of the chapter of course check to see if there's a worksheet by clicking on the green next button. If there is, fill it out. You might want to take a day or so and think about the content of this video before you continue the course.
That's great. In the next lesson, we'll look at how different feelings are the byproducts of change, and begin to take the dots on a vicious cycle.