Hello, in this video we are going to look at if statement. So an if statement is basically something that allows you to check if a certain condition is true. And if that condition is true, you know, if that condition is met, then it will run a piece of code. So for example, maybe we all make creating some sort of guessing game for we made a guess. And the guessing game is what's my favorite color? Maybe you make the guess blue.
My favorite color. Person Poland is not blue, it is red for this should say, you know, incorrect, for example. So we're going to say we saw the formatting. If open closed brackets, inside of here, you put your condition. So the few things I want to show you, so own, you know, this would be actually now I locked them in the diagram. I'll explain this direct so there's no you know, few different conditions.
That you can do. So you can have a will equals, which is checking if something is equal to something else. So equal, you can have greater than to check in if something is greater than another value. So this includes numbers, you can have you can imagine less than. And I'll show you how to use these in a second. You have greater than or equal to, greater than, less than or equal to, less than or equal to, you can also have not equal to it not equal to something and not equal to make sure value.
No two values aren't the same. Number one, you can have an R group these the the Triple E Cause this isn't in all languages. So these, this one, and this one as well, you might be written slightly differently, all in all, pretty much all programming languages. But this triple equals not only checks the value, he checks the data type as well. So it makes sure that the data type is the same. So this is good if let's say you've got a string, but that string might, you know, just be a number.
If you just check in, you know, compared to a number and you know, basically just do a little news check day is great if you want to make sure you know what you're getting into the exact same value. And the exact same day type the will do triple equals, this is type check. equal and as you can imagine, there is one for my equal to and they just type check, not equal. Think I think that's pretty much all of them covered. Operator, make sure I haven't missed any air. So equal to not equal to the.
Yeah, that looks so good. Looks like we've covered them all. Okay, you can also use default not equal to, well, I did not know, PHP supported this one, so I'll put it right here, or no. It's totally up to you which one you use. So if we want to see if something is equal to something, we want to see if the guess is equal to red, for example, we will do guess that searching I mean, I guess, the way you call. That's the general format if this condition is met, Then we will go into the brackets.
So we're going to say echo wild You are so small. So if I go here and I reload, we get nothing because guess is incorrect. Quite changes to read, for example, well don't you're so smart. Maybe we want to put a message saying, you know, you haven't got the correct guess. We can do a numbers thing for that. So dollar equals or, you know, not equals, if it doesn't equal read.
Then we're gonna say echo input. So we say Well done, you're so small, for changes to any of the Polo, anything really safe, incorrect. So that Word if statement is allows you to check if a particular condition is met. This could be used in a game, for example. So if you go and try to unlock a door, say, if you have a particular key, or lock the door, otherwise, maybe make some sort of you know, door locked sound. So the several use cases, and you will be using if diamonds all over the place in coding.
And what else to mention? Yep, you can have as many lines of code inside of here you can have nested if statements. So, if this condition is met, you could check for something else inside that's valid. And is there anything else that you need to know that's pretty much it for if statements in the basic form, but over the next few videos, I'm going to cover it now a bit more and the different features that it provides. You have any questions though, feel free to pop me a message and as usual, I look forward to seeing In the next video