Hello, in this video, we are going to take a look at sorting results. So 14 results essentially what we want to do or what we can do. And what we will do in this video is we'll get the username, and we'll sorted based on that. So you'll be ascending and descending will show you both to sorted really simple, you go to query your order by then the column that you are essentially ordering. So in my case, it's user name, and then afterwards you put ASC or de SC for ascending and descending for reload that it goes ascending. So be calm before F and F become four Why?
If I put D and C which is decent, it you will basically reverse the order. So b three, one and two, like so. And that's it. You can do it on any column and it also something called several column ordering. And I want you to do as an extra task is have a look of finding out what that is and how to improve Apart from that, then nothing else to 14 results. Thanks for watching and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.