Now that you're fired up, you've watched the class you've started your project, I want to give you some extra tips. If you'd like to take your project further or just some different ways that you can develop this and have fun in the process. You can find in the supplemental materials, some great questions that you can use to prompt your thinking or help you with your interviews if you're working with someone else. One tip would be to set up a cooperative effort with some friends or family and go through this class again, together with them. have everybody collect their photos and their materials and go through the whole five W's. You can do this at once a week over the course of a month and help everybody come alongside something that has gotten you excited and helps you to make progress with your life story.
You will come away with just a huge sense of satisfaction and pleasure really in in helping other people too. To share their story in a way that's quite easy, and I wish you the best and thank you so much for your time.