Now let's take a look at how you can take an online emotional intelligence test. This is a good one from psychology slash test slash IQ slash, emotional hyphen, intelligence hyphen test. And it's here It explains the importance of it. I'm going to click the button thing to test, you can see that it's free to take the test. It says after finishing the test, you will see your free snapshot of the report. The 695 is only if you wanted to purchase like the option to get your official results.
And you can take the test and no I'm not going to obviously take the test with you. But what I want you to see is that it's going to be pretty difficult in terms of it's going to be intense. I mean, they there there's 146 questions 45 minutes, so definitely have enough time allocated for this. Again, don't be distracted, make sure you're totally on because you're gonna have to blow through the questions. And you really have to be on hydrated. Eat before not too much until you've not get tired not to fool, but have enough energy in your brain can keep going at this rate.
And then you'll find out your EQ test. Whatever your test score is. Don't worry if it's bad because you can improve it and if it's great then great high five