In this video, let's go through a checklist of some positive and negative emotions. And take a look at how we can turn the negative emotions into positive ones. And in the future videos, we're going to cover emotion by emotion in a little bit of a more of a detailed look at each emotion. In this video, let's just run through a few of the very common ones. So some of the negative ones anger, anger can become an outburst eventually, or anger can be channeled into positive work. Think of sports, for example, you when an athlete gets angry, they can channel it to play harder, play better run faster, or they can have an outburst and have a fight on the field.
Of course, he wanted them to channel that anger positively. So anger doesn't have to be bad. There is a good way to channel it. anxiety, anxiety, you can have a meltdown at work, things might seem like there's just too much or you can channel it to force yourself. to work faster produce more dejection or depression, you can turn the opposite of that is optimism. If you can get a person out of that state into a reversal, you can make them optimistic and excited about their work.
When people are disappointed in whatever their outcome is, let's say they tried something and it didn't work fail, well, isn't fail, it's only an opportunity to problem solve, why failed so that it can eventually succeed. That way you can turn in disappointed person into a person that's enthusiastic about trying it again and again and again, maybe using their own ideas and trying out their own ideas to solve the problem. Also, there is a common thing, especially with I think, what people sometimes say younger people, or label that as like, you know, used to be Gen X. Now it's whatever it whatever The generation is that millennials are now there's a Gen whatever, then now there's like an even younger generation, the millennials, they have this in this employers site, that they come a lot, they're come into the workforce quite quite often disinterested. Okay? They don't have, they're disinterested.
That's the common thing among them often. And they don't have the right motivation and inspiration, that that's what he has to turn that if you're at the center, disinterested, disinterested person has to be turned into a motivated person, you have to find the right way to motivate and inspire them because that can be the missing link between having a bad employee and actually having a good one. Fine. And you can do all kinds of empathy and ask them and read into them and find what makes them tick. Of course, if they stay this interested, you know, a disinterested employee just not going to do a good work. So long term if they stay disinterested.
You can't really keep them as the problem, but in the short term for many people, they can get it inspired and motivated and there is a path for many people to go from this interest into motivation, inspiration and the right emotions. You want to aim for our simple enthusiasm, confidence, optimism, tenacity, those are desired emotions and all the all these negative ones can be channeled into those positive for example, anger can in an athlete that can make them tenacious, you know, they can try even harder. All those things can become desired positive emotions if you channel them the right way and don't let them sit there and explode unaddressed.