In this video, I want to talk about a very fascinating, at least to me correlation about expertise in a certain area. And it's in the creativity that comes out of individual and the vertical line in the middle. That's that 10,000 hour mark, which is the widely regarded mark for when people are considered experts in a field. So you'll see that in the beginning, because you have no, let's say, expertise in a field. You also have little creativity in that field. Because there's just less tools to be creative with and the things maybe whatever you're creative about other people have already thought of those ideas because other people have already worked through the problems that we're working through.
So you're kind of following the people's footsteps. Now, what happens is, as you build your expertise, you're following less and less people's footsteps, and so you're able to be creative in more truly, you niQ way, right that true true uniqueness that true those truly unique ways you able to discover more of them. Because you're, you're gone in less people's footsteps and you're more of an expert who's independent and doing more forging forward in a field rather than following others. Okay. Now, here's the interesting, brilliant element in really brilliant and telling about. So what happens Why does creativity decrease as expertise increases?
Is there's no answer in this research, right? But my hypothesis is that and I see this for myself like now I spent so many years in intrapreneurship and starting businesses and helping others that like I've crossed the 10,000 mark long time ago, and I can see on my own self, here's what's happening. My creativity overall is I think still pretty good. But I am relying on so much you experience on so much expertise, that I already have so many built in answers for situations. And so I need I don't need to use creativity a lot because actually have built in answers like I already have answers for a lot of things. And so I don't need to look for new answers because the answers that I have, they work for me, they've been working for me.
They are, they seem to be correct. They, they provide they they give good results. So I, I don't have this stress of needing to find more creative solutions. I already have solutions, because I've got the expertise. And so I'm doing less new things. Now, this can be reversed.
If, let's say, if I get become hard on myself, and I'm like, hey, pay as much attention to what your habits are, and that the recurring actions that I fall into, if I'm big if I become strict thought that I bet I can, you know, always if I can question them and examine them, I bet I can find a lot of places where I'm doing things habitually, because they work, but they could be better than they are. They're not up to hundred percent, maybe they're up to 85% of the quality that I need that that's fine, but it's not as good as it can be. So I bet if I can be vigilant about finding those, or maybe more vigilant because I think I feel like I do try, but that maybe I can become better at it. And I can find places where I'm more habitual than it should be.
I bet I could raise that creativity and have my expertise go up and have my even my creativity go up. And that's a super key to really doing some breakthrough things in just about any field.