In this video, let's recap what we learned about emotional intelligence and see how to apply it. First of all is all about listening. It's listening to yourself and to others when you listen to yourself, to listen to your inner dialogue, how you interpret perceptions, listen to your trains of thoughts, slow them down. When you listen to others, it's all about both verbal and nonverbal communications. It's things that people say, and how people behave, their icontact, their facial expression, their tone of voice, their body posture, all those things. You have to use it to give you give yourself a sense of what's going on inside their mind and their heart, what they're feeling and what they're thinking and additional thing for yourself, you have to learn to relax on cue, nothing that anybody else can say should get you off your game.
Okay. Nothing should Get you angry, frustrated, because you need to be aware, okay, I'm getting frustrated, I'm getting angry. You need to be able to quickly stop yourself and control those emotions and channel them in the right way. There's also the issue of your inner dialogue, you have an everyday script, some of your everyday script and some of the very common things that go through your everyday script, cause negativity to negative emotions, whatever they are, to remind yourself that there's always multiple ways of handling situations and interpreting whatever is causing your negative emotions. And you have to problem solve your recurring situations that end that get you ending up in with negative thoughts and feelings. And you need to problem solve either how to sidestep them, or how to have them go better so that they result in more positive interactions and more positive emotions which will be more conducive to your and anybody on your team's experience and eventual work output.