Introduction: American English Consonants for IT Professionals

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Hi, welcome to American English consonants for IT professionals. My name is Sheila labbit Inka and I'm a working accent reduction coach in Silicon Valley. I teach high tech professionals from around the world. In this course, I'll show you the consonant errors I commonly hear, and I'll show you how to correct them. This course is dense, so it's okay to pause, rewind and repeat. print out the written lesson to follow along and take notes.

It's also a must to do the repetition practice several times until you've memorized the sentences. In the repetition practice, I'll say a sentence and then you'll repeat after me in the blank space provided in the audio. We'll do this eight to 10 times Each time you listen and repeat, you'll notice something new about the way I said the sentence. You'll notice the volume pitch specific sounds and the way I link words together. Try to imitate all of this. imitation is your key to creating an American accent.

Be an active learner. Pause the video and imitate me whenever possible. Finally, don't forget to take my course on vowels as well.

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