So a web gallery sitting on your desktop looks like this folder. You've got an index dot HTML file, and you've got content folders, lots of images, and you've got resources and j. s files and CSS files and lots of pretty crazy stuff that makes no sense at all to anyone except the web browser. That is because the web gallery when opened in a web browser looks like this. So this is an example of a classic HTML style web gallery. But we can click on images and we can go next, and next and next and go back to the index, whatever we like multiple pages and so forth. Or we've got something a little more contemporary looking like this Lightroom track gallery, where we can look at a whole sort of grid of images like this, we can click on an image and go up into full screen and we can use these navigation bars to advance to the next and the next, and so forth.
So lots of wonderful Fill options with web galleries, web photo galleries. And that's exactly what we can produce in Lightroom web module. So just like the slideshow in the print module, the web module has a template browse up over here in the left hand panel, and it's broken up into sections, we've got the classic gallery, templates, grid, gallery, squig, gallery, and so forth. So the classic gallery is this old, sort of HTML style gallery where you get a grid of images and you click on a thumbnail and it goes to a larger image and we advance next, next, and so forth, or go back to the Index page. Over here in the right hand panel, I can add custom information. My photo gallery I'll just type I still can't type and speak at the same time you may have noticed haven't got the hang of that technique, it might be light up.
So I've just added a little bit of custom text here and here is more of a Guys back and typed as well maybe got a typo nice. All good. So we've got the appearance which we can control the grid, how many rows and columns and so forth. If we go into the large image, we can control the size here with this little slot up, make it a little bigger and smaller depending on the size we want. We've got photo borders that we can create big and small, just using these sliders here. We've got image info to overlay, title capture and so forth on the output settings with a good old watermarking raises its head again.
And of course we can work on our logo watermark, our graphic logo that I've shown you many times now or anything else available in the the watermarking menu there but we won't do any of that you'll see applies a little bit of sharpening on output as well is applied to the output images. We can set that to a low, standard or high amount of sharpening. And finally, we've got the Upload settings that enable us to basically upload the web gallery directly to the internet. Now I'm going to do a separate video on that, because it's a whole other kettle of fish talking about how we get these galleries live on the internet. So I'll do a separate separate video on that. This one's just talking about what a web gallery is and how to make one.
So back in my template browser, so the this HTML gallery is pretty dull, really, by today's standards, you probably wouldn't be too interested in producing something like that, but it used it's a bit of an old standard, I guess. But you've got all these lovely new ones. Now you've got the grid gallery. If I just go into this grid gallery default here you can see it gives me this nice kind of grid of images on a white background to begin with. Notice this annoying watermark keeps popping up. So once you've chosen something you like don't forget to turn the watermark off if you don't like that.
We've also got the square gallery which is quite nice as well. It's got just that kind of Guess Instagrams sort of feel. Once again, that annoying little watermark repeatedly turns up, so you can turn that off if you don't want it. You've got the track gallery, which was the one I showed you earlier on, that gives me this wonderful grid of images. And I use these track galleries on my website to promote all our various overseas trips to Japan and Cambodia and China and so forth. I've just built a nice little track gallery and uploaded that onto my website just to showcase a gallery of images that we make.
So lots of options for what we can do here in the web module, producing these lovely web galleries. So just like the slideshow and print examples you can save. Once you've done a bunch of work, you can create a saved web gallery that you can easily return to so why don't we just set up this track gallery of turned my turn my watermarking off, I might just play I can play with my row height here, just to increase or decrease the size of the images I think I've got a option for the spacing have I image info so forth upload settings? No, maybe it's just like that. So I say I'm happy with that. I'm just going to click Save.
I'm going to save it inside the slideshow, I'm just going to call it web gallery. And you can see now, over the last three or so videos, we've created this one collection called slideshow. And then we've gone ahead and made a slideshow from it, we've made a print contact sheet from it. And now we've just made a web gallery as well. And they're all nicely saved as kind of, I guess sub collections of that collection of saved galleries and so forth that we can return to very easily pick up where we left off, we click on an image, we get a nice preview. This is what it's going to look like as we advance to the next and the next and the next or we can go back to our grid of images.
So once we've construct once we've chosen a template of a web gallery that we like, and we've gone ahead and customize that all with the information that we'd like to include. We've basically got two choices, we can hit export. And export is going to do exactly that. It's going to create a folder in the location of your choice possibly on your desktop, which I showed you at the start of this video. Here's an exported web gallery here. So the exported web gallery contains all the information that the web browser needs in order to display it to the HTML pages.
You've got CSS, this is your Cascading Style Sheets, ie j. s is your JavaScript files and a bunch of other odds and ends that will all be used by the web browser to display the web gallery. So you can export it to your desktop and then FTP it however you choose. So FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, and that's the process of putting your website online. So you can FTP it using different software, possibly fetch or some you know, Dream waiver or any number of Other software programs available, or you can actually FTP directly from Lightroom. So if I was to click Upload here, then it would tells me the FTP server. Actually, I need to tell it because I haven't set it up on this one Sorry, I need to go into my FTP server.
And I need to edit and I need to enter all my FTP details so I need to pop in my web address so my whack comm that I use my username and password my server path, so exactly where on my website I want this particular site to go and then go ahead and FTP it up. So obviously, in order to FTP, I said I was going to do a separate video for this, but it looks like I'm doing it in the one now, in order to FTP your video or get it onto the web. You firstly you need to have your own web server. So you need access to your web server that you can upload to and you need the passwords and all that sort of information. Now, some people might manage that themselves. Other people might have a web admin person who does that.
So if you are the latter, then you could just export this folder, send it off to your web admin person. And they can do that for you. Alternatively, you might like to upload the whole thing yourself. And you can go into your custom settings, click Edit, and you will need to enter your server path or address your username and your FTP password, and then your actual server path that you want to upload that to. So a little bit sort of technical and complicated at that end. And there's some details that you'll need to have for your web admin.
And then you can FTP directly from Lightroom, which is a wonderful way to go makes it very easy to just put websites up very quickly and easily our web galleries I should say, they don't really websites, their web galleries, and they're, they're nice to just link on to other things. So if I was to just go to my website quickly, you can see if I just go if I just remove that little address They let me just go. So this is my website live online. And when I go to my photo adventures here, if we want to have a look at one of our adventures, let's say Cambodia there, and we want to say images from previous Cambodia trips, I click there, and it loads this gallery full of all my Cambodia photos. And you can see up in the address bar here, this resides at wack forward slash galleries forward slash Cambodia pa or photography adventures.
So I've got a subfolder on my domain called galleries and then I save all my extra galleries, or FTP them into that folder. So hopefully that makes a little bit of sense to you. If not, you might have to get someone else to manage that last step for you FTP, your web galleries onto the internet onto your web server. But certainly using the web module, it's very easy to produce some very impressive looking galleries and showcase Your images for all to say