Hello guys, welcome to the 29th session of using Microsoft Word framework Luis and cognitive services tutorials for beginners. In this session we will see some settings and options available in this application series of movies. From here we can see how to create a new application. By clicking on import button, we can create a new news application from Jason file. By clicking on this menu, we can rename or delete the application as well as export application data in JSON format. It contains application name, version, in time details, and declarative.
As well as all of the transition even we can see the details of all endpoint request. endpoint request means request which is nice See, it contains a query that says, timestamp, and response generated by Lewis in JSON format. That is open our app. From dashboard we can see details about the application such as when it was trained number of intense entities and utterances and some charts that represent endpoint requests and intent details. We have already seen built that and we will see published in next session. Let us click on settings.
Rights a panel contains details of admin of this app. We can also add another user to this application as collaborators. We can delete app as well as make it public and also change name and description. And here is the most important part of Luis that is was in Please allow us to make multiple versions of application using which you can manage different versions of Louisa for testing, development, staging or production. To create new version of application click on Import button. Select the fi and right wasn't me.
Here I have just added new content mean forwards into an exported file and remain other things unchanged. Just click on Done. Here at the top, you can see that it was changed 2.2 from point one. That is click on filter. Here you can see that it includes a new intent name for version two. By clicking on this drop down, we can switch to different versions.
Let us select 0.1 here you can see See that it does not contain any intent name for version two. Thanks for watching this video. If you have any doubt, please feel free to contact me Have a nice day.