When someone makes us angry, it can be difficult to just let go of the anger and forget them. Because in that moment of anger, we can dwell in the negativities of the mind off the thoughts of wanting to punish them in that moment of negativity, thus it can be hard to convince the mind to let things go. Because to the mind, it's unfair. The other person has made us feel miserable, so forgiving them will be just for their own benefit. So realize this forgiveness comes easier when there's more incentive to love and the incentives to love offered through the creator's absorption as the realization That loving others is no different than loving ourselves the wisdom that you have been developing from the previous videos I mean think of it like this. In the thoughts of punishing others, we actually punishing ourselves making our mind filled with negativities in unhappiness.
And then the thoughts of wanting to accept others were in fact and accepting ourselves. For us to create greater happiness, we have to transform the state of self rejection towards self acceptance. And the creators absorption will help you to achieve that. The I have created, designed the creators absorption and three forms one is where you cannot play in real time when you're experiencing anger towards someone. The second form is a workbook style, where you can take your time and through writing, explore the mind and apply the technique. And the other form is the guided meditation style for those who want to just close the eyes, listen and practice that technique.
The other same techniques, but I have just designed that because people learn differently. So, carry on forward, and we will look at Firstly, how to apply the creator's absorption in real time.