Hey, and welcome to this first module. I'm so excited to talk to you about specific exercises that are really good to help you manage your diabetes, reverse your diabetes, bounce your blood sugars, and they are drumroll whatever resistance exercises have actually been shown to help you balance your blood sugars. And interval training, which is a type of cardiovascular exercise is also been shown to really help you bounce your blood sugar. So we're going to talk about both of them. I'm going to start with resistance training. So resistance means that you're actually toning your muscles, right?
It's another way of thinking about toning your muscles. You can think about core training, toning, strengthening, when people use words like that they're doing a type of exercise Which is a resistance exercise where you're somehow moving some kind of weight. And so you're actually increasing the tone of your muscles. And your muscles are some of the cells that love blood sugar. So they will grab the sugar out of your bloodstream, they will bring it into the cell so that you can actually get your muscles to work. That is what makes it such a powerful, powerful exercise for you, that helps you to balance your blood sugar's.
Now in addition, as a side as our muscles are more tone that actually helps keep our bones strong and helps prevent osteoporosis as well. It helps us with our balance. And so having strong tone muscles helps with our bones as well as our muscle strength. And it actually allows us to have more balance as we get older, in terms of our 50s 60s 70s and beyond all these things can help us to age well, as well as prevent blood sugar issues. So that's even better ideas of resistance, well, any type of weightlifting resistance or resistance and resistance exercises that cause you to have to push your own bodyweight. So all of these types of exercises, they all count as resistance.
And later, you're going to learn how to use resistance bands, dumbbells, or kettlebells. as examples of resistance, that's all part of this module. Now, the other types of exercise that are really good for blood sugar's are interval training. So interval is a type of cardiovascular. So a lot of times people are like, I need to do my cardiovascular and I need to do it for an hour, I need to do it for 45 minutes. I really need to get my heart rate really high up and those are all great forms of exercise.
But when we're trying to actually build up our body and build up endurance, we also are building our muscles at the same time, we can do interval training, which means for a certain amount of time, you're doing a certain exercise in a very quick fashion and then you stop. And then you have gaps in between those intervals where you rest and then you do quick bursts of exercise again, that's what interval training is. So, for example, you're going to see coach cross, she's going to give you exercises like jumping jacks and fast speed and these things where you're moving your body for 30 seconds continually and then you stop. You give yourself some downtime for about 20 seconds, and then you move directly into the next exercise. That is also really good for helping you to bounce your blood sugar's it also helps you burn calories.
And if you do it really quickly with really short rest in between, not only does it build up the calorie burning that you do when you're doing the intervals after Your training is over, it actually continues to actually help you burn calories as well. So it's a good over all exercise that helps you build your lung strength, your heart strength, your muscle strength. And it actually doesn't take very long. So you can do these interval trainings and 510 15 minute bursts, and you're still getting all the benefits of cardiovascular exercise as well. And that's why it has been built in to your training. So there you go, resistance training and doing cardiovascular exercise, specifically, interval training.
Those are the two best exercises for balancing your blood sugar's. That being said, doing any exercise at all consistently, meaning even if you decide, well, I'm not going to start there. I'll start with walking, and I'm gonna walk for 15 minutes. I'm going to do it four times a week. That is also going to be helpful to your body, if you're not used to moving Anybody who's not used to exercising what's optimal, well, optimal is four times a week at 20 minutes spurts. So while we're gonna say the most optimal is going to be five to six days a week at 30 minutes, what we've seen in the research is at least 20 minutes of exercise.
And doing it four times a week is going to be a huge benefit if you're not used to exercising at all. And so it's better to even do that, than to do no exercise at all. So we have the best types of exercising if we're trying to balance our blood sugars, which are interval and resistance. The next thing is to just do exercise consistently, whatever type of exercise you're going to do, and do it for at least 20 minutes, four times a week. So you have these different opportunities to help you set Some SMART goals we learned in module one that you do on a consistent basis. So I'd like you to go to your handout, I'd like you to set a SMART goal.
And I'd like you to set it for seven days at a minimum. But maybe you want to shoot for a month or two months as part of your SMART goal to see how you are going to help improve your blood sugar's and keep them out right now if you're in a prevention mode. And if you're in a reversal man mode, then these smart goals are just as important because they're gonna get you to where you want to be. So excited to share them with you. And if you go to the next module, you will actually start to see all of the training that coach Krause has put together for you. So enjoy it.
And if you ever have questions, you can just ask in the discussion box and I will see you in