Long E and Short E
What do you see on the Phonics Cheat Sheet?
Long E - tea - feet - key - baby - cookie
How many ways can we spell Long E? At least 5 ways. (ea - ee - ey - y - ie)
What about Short E?
Short E - egg - elephant - pen - red - excuse (much easier right?)
Want more examples?
Here's our video for this lesson - a little jazzy number that will educate and entertain at the same time.
Click here to see it - Long and Short E
This is a great musical explanation of what the differences are between Long E and Short E.
What words did you see and hear in this video? Can you hear the E's in each of the words below?
Edith - Eagle - Seat - Peep - Cheep - Sleep
Enjoy - Insects - Eggs - Feathers (/e/ not /ee/ this time
Say all these words in sequence and you'll hear the long or short E in each one. Do you see the same vowel rules here for Long E that were in the Long A? You should.
Silent E - Eagle Double Vowel - EA and EE - eat - peep
Not all words that start with E have a short or long sound. There are some variations - like "early" - that sounds like an "R" - /ur ley/ - it is an "R-controlled" word. More in future lessons on er/ir/ur.
One last Dr Seuss pic to show Short E -
And here is your work for this letter and different spellings -
Or find it in the File for this lesson - print it out if you want and fill it in for practice.