Okay in Java programming we also have assignment operators. So, Boolean w equal to false this equal sign. So I will say a Boolean W, we have, I will say like his boss is assigned to these Boolean W. Okay? So if I want to do other, let's say, assign the operator, I can do something like this integer, let's say w equal let's say to integer, E, let's say equal to five k okay I can do some assignment operator using something like this. So w bras equal to let's say three. So, what this means is I will say is it means w equals w plus three okay.
So I print the result I print the W and then I run the project. So, I find a w is equal to two, so w plus equal to three is w equal w plus three, so, W is two, so, w equal to plus three equal five okay. So, we have a phi here, we can also do something like C minus equal to SQL DB equal. So, w minus equal three. So, you will be w equal w minus three. So I run run the project, so I get negative one, W is two, so w equal to minus trees minus one I can also have times k w times equal tree, I have a says.
So, w times equal to three is equal to w equal w times three. Okay, ah W, E, let's say for our case here is w equal to two. So, w equal to two times three equals six games Can we have a division and we have this division? So w divide equal to three. So I run and run the project I have zero, I will say I will change these to da ba, da ba, T, Ron. Okay I have 0.66.
So w divided by or equal to three. Easy is the same as w equal w divided by three. So is the same as a is two divided by three, so I have 0.6 a six, so, I use Dabba then he will show me all the decimal point. If I use integer He only show me the zero evod decimal point k integer w. k is Show me your needs row if I use integer k So, in Java programming data types is actually important