Okay, the problem is after doing some Google Search the problem is in Java for string it is best to use dot equal equal equal is usually just a Data Reference object equal jaql by then if you want to check the content issue use doc equal okay. So, this is roughly how we do the programming. So, I use C sharp Java use by turn use say other languages also. So sometimes in between a meal, so let's say for gal that say confused between different programming language syntax, in other programming language, string do not need to use dot equal to Okay, so you When we problem solver we do some Google search on the problem and then we get a solution. Get the explanation from the Google search also. Okay, so I will change this to dot equal got equal one issue What now?
Okay, so I ran the project Okay, I chose one please enter first number, please enter second number and I get three. So this is the Korea crab coding or Korea software process. So now I learned to create subtraction so copy and paste Paste. So addition I will change to subtraction. Then employ is to now UConn subtraction and then it trees division boy he's multiplication. So I will copy and paste here.
So these should be division and these to be multiplication k plus minus d vi times K so subtraction I have a D So I do the division So EV tree I change this to division is for changes to multiplication. Okay, so there is some typo here. Malte the application Okay. So now I run this program called here okay, I saw that one. Okay. first number is one second number is two, three, ran again.
This time I select subtraction first number wise attend number two minus one run again select division one to 2.5 k then run a gay both multiplication one to actually get to okay all the calculation is correct okay I do no want to print these again. So I comment or I remove these are okay so let's see now I do not want to repeat this code here repeat all these get these first number second number in order if statement okay I can move this one to hear okay Okay I can remove all these okay now the court Lu Nita Ke Ke okay. Okay if you want you can optimize the score even further. Okay so now I put this to request body First number and second number here. So I ran the P key I put one. So one, two, okay, I get the same result.
Okay, now let's see, I do know, one two, let's say ah qiyamah sa Qian starting okay on rerunning this software to do adisa calculation. So I want to create a loop here. I can do something like this. Okay, I can do something I did a stream. Let's say stream is continuous. He says a buoy is equal to is as they say, A happy to know kr wa is z equal equal no I should not use equal equal to be equal to n k okay then I will loop all the code here Okay.
So now this code will keep on looping the LSE want to ask us as a system dot out dot println lie to you one to z okay there I will get scanned across again Escape string scan dot nice ly okay. So System dot out dot println either you want to as a string I scanned on this line I will say is Isaac. So, you still have error because I have these are his as his as he here So, I will remove the string okay. So I will run these projects see okay so now I pull out one first number, second number, okay, do you want to as I say no come on these menu again. Then I choose life Say division 12312 as a dental school yes you as a from the program. So what I do here is that I have a while loop here if these are let's say this is as is equal to n then he will keep on looping these co here okay he will loop all these co until let's say when the user here change the ease as a two let's see why are the value then then he will break Are you as a DS world okay