So, in 2017, eBay started automatically accepting the buyer request for journal matches. So, once an item was a buyer open return assume it will be automatically accepted. So, once you do that, the buyer can ship it directly to to the address you you're providing in there. So, to avoid that problem to have tied to things with the buyer, you have to go to distribution preferences. I will give you the direct link on this on the description. So it's you will go down here to the Enemy number Make sure to click this in here.
Give me a lot Give me the option to add an army return authorization number to each return label. So, also Amazon gives you an enemy number that you can provide to the to the buyer. So make sure you do this. Give me the option to automate the all protect you from just receiving from the buyer something you return to your home instead of sending them back to Amazon so that you get your refund and refund them and also it gives you a child so it will speak to the buyer. Sheldon the You can offer them a push or a phone or they can cancel or you can directly issue a phone without them needing to send us an item.