Lesson 22 a golden cord walk. We know that trees are tall and strong and help purify the air that we breathe. But they help us in so many other ways. There's a lovely quote by a car to totally seek out a tree and let it teach you stillness. But I would add something else. Seek out a tree and let it give you strength pulling you forward up a hill.
This is what bear art had to say on how to use visualization and trees to help you walk up a steep hill. Quote, in our way, when we're walking along distance or up a hill, we were told to imagine a rope like cord coming out of our abdominal area. Picture the other end of that cord wrapped around a tree or a rock ahead of you and let it pull you like a winch pulling a car out of mud. Then walk with your fingers kind of curved and visualize holding on to that golden cord as opposed to you up the hill. After you reach the tree or rock, visualize wrapping the cord around some other object up ahead. After long walks, you'll be walking a steady walk, not too fast and not too slow and you won't be huffing and puffing.
You'll feel light and you can go a long distance that way. And quote I've used this technique and had my hiking partners be amazed that I reached the top of a hill without being tired. Give it a try. Our next lesson is on forest therapy.