Welcome back to 20 moves in 20 days today we're going to talk about threat pay. And I wish it were the delicious you know, McDonald's or Starbucks string cuppa, it's not a means to strike. So we are going to strike the floor in this very unique ballet move. Now it's very commonly used, and there is definitely a point to it. But I will talk about that in a second. First, I kind of want to show you a reading and then we'll break it down.
Okay, so you when you prep for a prop, a combination, no matter what you're going to go side to side and flex. See, it's already wonky. Alright, I'm not gonna break. I'm sorry, I'm not gonna break it down. I'm just going to show you one in each direction to start and then I'll tell you more about it in a second. So we go Pretty fun, right?
Okay, what it is, is from your side and flex. I am going down and striking the floor. That's your stripe right? I am pushing my toes out to fully articulate fully pointed foot and then going straight back to my flexed foot. Now the flex split is kind of in the same position as your Kuta pa was. So if you remember you find your knobby ankle bone, then you go a little bit higher than that to the side.
Down, out. In, yes. Okay. Now to the back, down, out, in so I am pushing the floor with my foot every time so that's the sort of striking motion. down, push in, down, push in, down, push in, down, push in. Yes.
Okay, so what this does is how prepares for jumps. So later on, if you want to continue taking ballet lessons or ballet courses, then one of the jumps that you'll learn is called a jet pay. And this motion of the brushing the floor, in frat pays is what really helps prepare you for jumps. Now it isn't the only one that helps prepare you for but it's a really obvious correlation. Because when you're doing it, you're going to be brushing and pointing, brushing and pointing like so. Right?
And so you have this moment of down, out in, right. So no matter what, it's going to help you with things down the road. It does feel like a wonky thing at the bar doesn't seem to fit ballet, but I promise it has purpose. Okay? So what we're going to practice is for the front floor to the side for the back and forth to the side. But I want to talk about the side so When would you fret pace if you noticed, when we are the side, down, out, in, right, in order to get to where we need to go next, which is to the back, I'm going to alternate where I close whether it's the front of my leg, or the back of my leg every single time.
Yes, I'm alternating here and that way I can end up in back. So the rule of thumb is, if you're doing for if you're doing an even number, and you know that you want to end opposite where you started, you start with where you just came from. So for instance, I've just done, let's say, four to the front. From here, I want to close front first, after my first pay to the side, and that way, I end up in back so I have one and two, close back, three, close front, four, close back, and then I set up To go to the back. Now when I finished my set, I've gone to the back. And now I'm going to go to the side again, I want to still do, down out in, but I have just come from the back.
So I want to close to the back first, then front, then back then first, then front again and then you can close first. All right, so let's try that for in each direction. Remember, our preparation goes top to side and flex you go down, out, in, down, out, in, down, out, in, down, out in to the side, close, front, side, close, back, side, closed, front, side, close, back to the back, and two and three, and four, side again, close back first, and two clothes, fat and three clothes back. For close friends. All right, good. You did your frat pays, make sure you do the other side as well.
You can practice them a couple different times you can price them even slower than what we just did. Just know that frat pays are an Allegro stack, meaning they're usually done pretty fast. So what you want to do is practice building out to a really good speed because eventually, you will want to do them even faster than that. All right, great job learning Fridays. Tomorrow, we move on to something else.