Welcome back to 20 moves in 20 days. Today we're going to do the traditional last thing that we do at the bar and that is our Gronberg laws. Yay made it almost all the way through a full bar. That is a huge accomplishment. Normally, when you start taking a beginning level ballet class, you're going to be picking and choosing which while the teacher is going to be picking and choosing which things to focus on. And that makes complete sense.
But what's exciting is that you have a head start on that, because you've learned all of the different critical components to a basic ballet bar. And then when you take another course or you go and take a lesson in person, it will be so much easier for you to catch on because you already know all the components of good job good for you. Here we go with our cronbach mas. Alright, gramma mas are essentially a nice high kicks. And again, the high leg does not matter as much as that you're doing it correctly, I like to think about a crown but ma as in a DJ that just continues to fly. Alright, so I'm going to actually have my arm out second is going to kind of keep it out of the way for me.
When I go to the front, I'm going through all those positions that got me to my day, and I'm just gonna let it go higher. Ready. So I'm gonna brush and close, and brush and close. Now if you'll notice, I don't let my hips get involved and my upper body stays nice and upright. So something that happens sometimes is we again, we want to get our leg high, right? And so we started doing really odd things with our upper body.
So one of the most common is we, we kind of like fold into each other, we do this, which is very exciting, and very incorrect. So make sure that you're keeping all this posture completely still that way. You're just releasing that leg underneath your hips, okay, same thing to the side. Again, we do not want to lift our hip up, everything stays tucked in, under, and I'm just going to lift up to the side. Yes. Now to the back, same concept, and to the back, you want to try as much as possible to keep a straight upper body.
Physically, for most people, what you want to aim for is if your leg is at 90 degrees or lower, you have a very straight upper body. Now, if your leg is up here, anatomically speaking, you're going to have to compensate for that by going for most people, for most people, you're going to have to compensate for that by going a little bit forward. However, if your leg is here, and you're here, there's a problem. Okay, so often what happens is we get very enthusiastic and we're like, oh, and then do this awkward dive thing. So we just want to make sure that we're kind of keeping all that under control. They're fun, dramas are fun, but controls.
Yes. So it is a kick of the leg, you do want to feel like you're brushing it up and coming back down. So what we're going to do is four to the front, four to the side, four to the back, and then we're going to do play relevant today, we're gonna cross our left foot over, right, this nice tight position is called Susu. Giving you a little bonus move here. And then another little bonus move is due to new turn towards the bar and lower the first and then we're going to do the other side. Okay, so for for it to the front, four, side, four, back and then play relevant.
Play relevant. our left leg is going to cross in front of her right, we're gonna do tissue and then go to the other side. Okay, so here we go. We have The front one and close to and close. Three and close. Four and close side one and two and three and four to the back, back.
And to and three and four. ple Yay. rally a, Su Su, Su two new their side to the front and two and three and four to the side and one and 234 to the back. One and two, three and four. Please rally today to see Sue to new and finish good horse Today you made it all the way through a traditional classical ballet bar. I'm going to show you one more move tomorrow and then you will be ready to rock it.