I think it's very important for you to understand some vitally important factors that affect the performance of your sales video. I'm talking about things like time timing in funnel, target audience, price point, traffic temperature. Now a quick reminder here we classified the web traffic into three groups cold, warm and hot, cold traffic. These people they don't know us warm traffic. These people are aware of us, but they are not our customers. They haven't opted in in our email list in hot.
These are the people who are our customers, people from our email list. Now, let's say that you sell in 97, online online course or online programs, some sort of a master class, right? You play every teacher here but you decide to drive cold traffic or people who have never heard of you before to that sales video. I promise you, you will have terrible results. And the reason for that is because the higher the price tag of the product you sell, the more time and more convincing is needed to make the sale. For that reason, you must have a sales funnel set in place.
If you want to sell 997 or you know $2,000 information products. People need to get to know you. And the best way to build a relationship would be to provide value to give value in advance. And you may remember the typical structure of a product launch you have a squeeze page three pieces of free content generally these are educational videos. And then the fourth video is a sales video. By the time people get to the sales video, they've consumed you free high quality content.
You've answered many questions and objections they have. And the result is more sales and higher conversion rate on your sales video. The traffic you sent to the sales video is not Cold anymore? Quite the opposite. It's hot. Make sense?
Cool. Next we are thinking, what I do want to send cold traffic to ourselves when you How do I do that? Well, here's, here's what I suggest you do. If you've been in business for a while, you know that is it is important to have a lead generation funnel set in place something very simple. Like you have a squeeze page. This is this is a page with one purpose alone to collect email addresses.
You've seen these all over the place in the thank you page. This is a two step funnel very simple. Well, something I've tried and it works very well is to add a one time offer immediately after someone has subscribed to your email list. So now the funnel looks like this squeeze page one time offer in a thank you page. This is a great place to include a sales video. Of course, I'll give you an example of such a sales video.
But what's important to under Stand here and now is that the product you sell must be cheap. Anything below $27 Yes, I gave you a specific figure. But that might vary from industry to industry Market to Market. So this is not set in stone. I want to provide you with the concept here my for example, my one time offer is for $17. I'm talking about the business where I teach people how to sell online courses.
Now the purpose of that one time offer is to convert the visitor or subscriber to a customer quickly. Now they're qualified buyers and chances are if they are satisfied with the content, they will buy from you again and again and again in this is your hot traffic. Your customers list is one of the most valuable assets you have so do not neglect it. Another benefit is that when you run paid traffic you immediately retube or you know, get back some of the ad spent if not all Okay, so far, this covers the points of traffic temperature and the time aspect and funnels and price points. And one last thing is this, you may have the most perfectly crafted sales video, but if it is not in front of the right target audience, it will fail. I wanted to address this specifically for the people who are starting out.
Alright, let's do a quick recap. Number one, send traffic to your high end products. Number two, consider adding a one time offer that converts visitors into customers immediately after opt in number three, put your sales video in front of the right target audience. Thank you for watching and stay purposeful