Okay, so in this chapter two, we are going to get our computer's data for the, the SDK tree. So in this chapter we are going to install the the SDK tree software file. To install the SDK tree software, we need to install the Microsoft dotnet framework and Java GRP. Okay, so Microsoft net framework we can Donal from DCI Oh M You can also download the Java g from this UI. Ok DS Ek sub A B, go to this website ds TKT ec in the SDK tree website, we introduced Why is the SDK tree in this first paragraph here so if you are interested you can read Em. So the SDK trees self taught.
So the SDK and Gene and is the SDK script, right? Real Bash are the open source and for them and the Guna GPL license. So for commercial licen, you have to contact me or contact us for DST, a studio and the SDK ss pora. So you will need to pay around $59 USD. So in this the SDK package, you will have the the SDK studio D SDK Dallas, Texas Power BI you can only use them for around 10 times. So in SDK three, you will need Microsoft NET Framework and Java runtime.
Okay, so tiata features. And yeah, some of screenshot. So this one is the so this one is a D SDK engine. And this one is the SDK Sprite. So these this SDK and Genie slide are our programming, but is more simplified just for the the time testimony. And then this the SDK script writer is Id just like I asked you to do that again, all then are more simplify and then focus on the daytime test.
My name few Yeah, tasty. The SDK Co. So in the SDK studio, you do not need to write any code slightly the SDK screenwriter. You do not hit write any cost either DS DK script writer. The SDK studio provide you with interface straight away. The SDK is to do create or generate a script and then brought into or run the SDK engine.
Okay. And then this is the SDK, ss pora. So the SDK test explorer focus more on the test my name, that's analytics So, you can see that the SDK that has power is Ida SDK studio. So are the ofa very easy to use interface and they will generate the SDK script and run down in the SDK engine. Okay. So here are the are the assignments by the end this is the SDK tree book is free a free from lympha I see probably the SDK trade books.
So you can get a cDk V by ebooks for free. And this is the book that I am using Now to finish this course. So this book is ID material cost material for these The SDK tree course on Udemy. Okay, so to follow the the SDK tree software, just come here click on Done. Okay, so if, if you want to purchase the SDK studio and the SDK Test, test Explorer, you can come here and purchase Read the Pay Pal