Okay, now it's time for a couple of Zen monk jokes. Please bear with me as I use these jokes to make a few very important points about reflectors. My intention is not to offend anyone who just happens to be a Zen monk. I'm simply using these to demonstrate a few important points about reflectors. So there's this Zen monk, and he's always heard about New York City and the wonderful hotdog carts that he'd find in New York City. So he decides that if and when he ever gets to New York City, he was going to make sure he got a hot dog from one of those hot dog carts.
And he was also advised that when he goes to order a hot dog, he should order one with everything. So that's exactly what he does. He takes his trip to New York City. He finds a hotdog cart and he orders With everything, I hope you got the joke or maybe it went right over your head. Oh, and by the way, I probably forgot to inform you that I'm not a very good joke teller. But the point I was trying to make about the reflector with the Zen monk joke is that the goal of the reflector is to be one with everything while identifying with nothing.
That's not a very easy task. Okay, it's time for another bad Zen monk joke. Please keep in mind that I'm not a very good joke teller. For those of you who know me, you know that I got to spend quite a bit of time in Thailand. When I was in Thailand, I would often visit the temples. When I was at the temples, I would notice that when those Zen monks were vacuuming, they never ever not once vacuumed in the corners.
I just couldn't understand why don't Zen monks vacuum in the corners and then finally, Got it. They don't vacuum in the corners because in order to vacuum in the corners, you have to have attachments. I hope you got the joke this time. The point that I was trying to demonstrate with both of these bad Zen monk jokes is that the reflector is designed to be one with everything without identifying with anything, and being attached to nothing. This is not an easy task. reflectors are like mirrors, reflectors mirror what is in their environment, it's really important for the reflector to be careful not to identify with what they are reflecting.
It's also important that the reflector learn how to be a detached observer while still operating in the world. reflectors are deeply sensitive to the energy of others. This is because they have all whiter open centers They cannot help it. Therefore, it is extremely important for a reflector to choose their friends wisely, because the people they surround themselves with will have a profound effect on the quality of the reflectors life experiences. You've probably heard the real estate term location, location location before location plays a key role for the reflector. I can't stress this enough location, location location.
In fact, it is safe to say that the reflector becomes their environment. reflectors need solitude because they take in the energy of their environment and that includes all the people in their environment. It is really important for the reflector to create a safe space to which they can retreat to periodically. reflectors need this retreat to decompress and let go of all the energy they have absorbed. Only in solitude. Can they truly do this.
If they're As a reflector in your life, please grant them the space that they need to have this solitude, it's imperative for them to have it in order to remain healthy. reflectors are designed to live life in a state of awe and wonder to take it all in. They get to taste everything to sample everything and everyone they come in contact with. They know things on a level that the rest of us can never ever understand. They can truly see the world in a state of awe and wonder. Now it's important that reflectors should not allow themselves to be rushed through life.
Really, all in wonder is the key for the reflector to experience life in a state of awe and wonder.