Now let's talk about the sleep recommendations for the manifester. So, as a manifester, you're designed to go to bed before you're actually sleepy, that's right. It's important for you to lie down and rest before actually sleeping. Also, it's recommended that a manifester sleep alone whenever possible. Many of my manifester clients have told me that they actually get the best sleep in the morning after their partner leaves for work and they have that additional one or two hours in bed alone. They also have shared with me that sometimes their best sleep comes when they take that nice nap in the afternoon, on the couch, all by themselves in just their own company.
So recommendations for the manifester for sleeping, go to bed before your tire and whenever possible sleep alone. Here are some things I'd like for you to know about. The manifester manifester is do not like to be told what to do. I repeat, they do not like to be told what to do, you can suggest and please make it a very gentle suggestion else you might meet with some resistance from the manifester. I'd also like you to know that manifestos do not like to ask for help. Remember we said they are rather independent type of people.
So asking for help does not come easy for the manifester, in fact that the manifester ever does ask you for help. If there's any way possible that you can help them. I'm going to recommend that you do so. And then I'm going to recommend that you never bring it up again. So manifestos are not comfortable asking for help. I'd also like you to know that manifestos require a lot of freedom.
Please do not try to put a manifester on a leash, they will bike give them freedom. They're rather independent beings. I'd also like you to know that manifestos will need alone time regularly. So please grant them their space, give them the space that they need so that they can have alone time on a regular basis. Another thing I'd like for you to know about manifesto is that they are born action oriented doors, very action oriented great starters. not always necessarily great finishers, but great starters, action oriented.
And then I'd like you to know that they're like a whirlwind of energy. They start out on the beginning all kinds of energy and before you know it that kind of fizzled out that's very typical for the manifester. They do not have sustainable energy. So like a whirlwind of energy to begin with, think of them like the sprinter who takes the baton and is often running for a very short distance, good to go. But then after that, the energy starts to fizzle out. Another thing that I found about manifestos is informing works both ways because if they are informing others, then they feel like it's just a common courtesy that we also inform them and keep them in the loop as well.
So these are all helpful tips that will help you to better relate to the amount of testers in your life.