Defining Characteristics of Manifesting Generators

Human Design 101: The 5 Energy Types Manifesting Generator: A Combination of the Energizer Bunny and Speedy Gonzales
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Now, manifesting generators are first and foremost a generator. However they do have some manifester characteristics, this because they have a motor connected to their throat just like the manifester, so, manifesting generators first and foremost generators with some manifester characteristics. So manifesting generators just like the generator have sustainable workforce and lifeforce energy. This workforce and lifeforce energy comes from that defined sacral center. So, just like generators, manifesting generators are here to be the worker bees. They're designed for physical labor.

The manifesting generator is very quick. This is because they have a motor connected to the throat center. They usually walk fast, talk fast Eat fast, just like me. And all this time I thought it was because I was from New York, lo and behold, it's because I'm a manifesting generator. Now this is especially true if they have an open route, and then open head center, just like I do. Now manifesting generators tend to be just a little bit impatient.

Actually, they tend to be very impatient. manifesting generators are often impatient because they feel like others just aren't moving fast enough. So it would really be helpful as a manifesting generator. If you could learn to develop patience. I'm still working on that. Think of the manifesting generator as Speedy Gonzales and the Energizer Bunny all rolled into one.

This would be an example of manifesting generators. Now manifesting generators have the tendency to want to just do it. How This is not correct for the manifesting generator. manifesting generators are not designed to just do it to go out there and make things happen definitely not perfect for the manifesting generator

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