Hi I'm Shahzad and welcome to lecture number 10 is we are going to discuss about the videos how can you embed your videos file anywhere HTML for that, so you need physical video that means actual real video so I think I have some way to use the reduce sections. Okay, let me Okay, I have this coding editor video I'm going to come in this we have them and also the SD dogs. As you can see, we have created the HTML five folder, and now I'm going to copy and paste here. So now I'm saying info. Make sure the name of the file is info and make sure this is the.mp or 500. embed this video here. So now I'm going to come in this one so you can easily get the code.
So make sure we have a single file single index dot HTML file from our first lecture till now now I'm saying I'm using the video. Okay, and I'm saying when you close you have to define the width and the height of the video. So this is the width and this is the height. The width of the video I'm saying 400 and the height of the video is 250. Here you can define the source Where is the source? Now I'm saying that I have a video available on the root of the directory named intro.
Make sure it's got mp4 file now I'm saying I have intro dot m v four. And make sure the title of the video you have to define the type of the video. I'm saying it's a video and the format is mp4. Now go to the page refresh the page. As you can see, now it's showing us the video. Okay, but here is the play buttons and other buttons and make sure I forgot the control.
So controls so go to the page refresh the page. Now as you can see, it's now giving you some controls like you can also play the videos you can control yourself Found as you play the videos, we are going to start our new series. So this is a video important part of every You can also and several good videos are free and our organization is extremely easy. Okay. So in this way you can embed your video using HTML five. So make sure control attributes add videos control like play pause and the volume as we have discussed.
If you are browser is not supporting the video element, then what happens? You have to write some code here or some error. I'm saying your browser does not support the video. Register page. Now my brother is currently supporting the video so that's why so as You can see it's now not playing. You can play you have to play.
If you are saying if you're adding another attribute which is auto play so that means you are saying that whenever someone access your page your video automatically we are going to start our live page okay so you don't need to today's we are going to start a series which is purely follow up let you know very well for is the video today's we are going to start over certainly dimension one Oh, today's we are okay, sorry divine on you which attributes you are using and which attribute you have to use solely depend upon your requirement. In html5 there are three supported videos formats mp4 web ham and the O g g. You can also embed the extra functionality by using some sort of plug in some kind of plugin. I am talking about the jQuery plugin if you are designing or creating the website from scratch if you are working on any CMS like WordPress or Joomla you can also use some some kind of plugin available on the store.
So I think this is enough for today in the next section we are going to cover the audio Thank you for watching