We are going to discuss about the head. So where is the head, this is the head tag. So this is the head tag. So, okay. Now how can you do that with the head tag, you can define your title in the head tag First of all, you can also define this tiling in the hectic. So I'm just come in I have to just come in this comment I will provide you the code coming.
So now are suppose I have one paragraph and now I'm saying this is my class. First of all my class you can write your own name. So, this is the attribute. First of all, this is the attribute Which attribute class Okay, now I'm saying this is my path. This is my path, okay. You can also write your style here or suppose color right, go to your page refresh the page.
So now we can see you are showing that right here. You can also come in. Okay, go to your page, refresh the page. So you have your, you can also add your styling like this, but you have just added this class to go to your head tag. You can also write down style hair style. style style goes.
And now you, you all you can define your class. So how can you access your class First of all, I'm saying.so, you can access this class or you can create your selector with dot. I'm saying that got my class. So curly braces, curly braces, you can add your property here. Property column value here. Okay.
I'm seeing color red, go to your page, refresh the page. So now as you can see, it's currently adding the same color here. If you are saying that Oh, please find the whole piece in the index dot HTML file. Assign the right for suppose if I have another paragraph, so, this is my second push up refresh the page. Now, as you can see, you have assigned the same value to your second paragraph if you are saying just add the value which has the my class. So, just call the class with dot dot class.
First of all if you have your class two or class one here, so, this is first class this is separate class go to pay refresh the page. So, as you can see you are assigning the read value with this class. So, you can also define you can always define your styling in the head had a sorry in the head tag so now, you can also define your meta meta hype or this is a meta. Okay, so what is the meta First of all, you have your web pages, view page source as you can see in the head tag so here is your head tag, you have your meta, sorry you cannot close your meta. So you have your meta character set, you have your meta name and you have your meta descriptions. So, you can use the meta while working on that as he or if you're not familiar with this, you don't worry about it.
I'm just telling you, you can also use your meta here or like metal name or something else and you can also add your style Or you can also add your CSS file here or suppose How can you do that? We will discuss about this you can also attach or add your js file in the head tag. So, a lot of things you can perform with the head tags, but for now it's enough we will discuss about the other HTML concepts in order to make this thing work.