We are going to discuss about the maximum where Alamo horses are. So now we have discussed about the margin. And we have also discussed about the verse. So now as you can see we have index dot HTML file, and we have a single file name style dot CSS. And now we have a single element which is the there so now as you can see, it's right there. Refresh the page.
We have used the word hundred pixel hide hundred percent in the background. Is that possible I think they come in green, it's fine. So now if I'm saying the maximum there is 200 pixels max width is 400 pixel art suppose now refresh the page. If you're increasing the width from 100 to 195, or suppose I go to the festival, it's working fine. If you're saying it's original weight is 200 pixels, and now it's also working fine bird when you're going to increase the width from 200 pixels onwards. possible if I'm saying 500 then as you can see it's not working why because you have defined the maximum width.
So you cannot use or you can not increase the maximum where your original width. So as you can see, if I'm saying 100 pixels, it's working fine. If I'm saying 10 pixel, it's also working fine if I'm going to increase the width from 200 To turn red pointy. So now as you can see it's currently displaying you the original width is 200 pixels because here is the limitations of your particular day because you're saying the maximum width is 400 pixel. So if you're increasing the width, so now you can see it's not working. And if you are reducing the width from 200 pixels, so now as you can see, it's working fine.
So, this is the concept of the maximum verse You can also define the maximum width why you are using portables if you are working, if you have a responsive team and you want to you want to add some limitations of the maximum width, so you have to use a maximum width at the time. So now possible suppose this is your day and if you are Adding h1. Here, we are going to talk about the more general possible if I'm saying, Here is my text. And now how can you align this text? The here's what I was against here's, here's your text. So now if you want to align this text to center, how can you do that?
I'm saying text align, you can use that this property and this value test line center. So now you can see what what happens if you want to align this tape from left to center. So how can you do that if you're applying the text, text align center. So as you can see, it's not working. Why? Because this is the tape This is a text element.
So what happens if you want to there are many possibilities for suppose if you are using the margin left, you can also do that margin left 100 pixels. So now as you can see, it's working fine, you can also use the position or if you're not familiar origin we will discuss about them. But if you are saying, margin auto now as you can see, it's automatically shifting your data from left to the center. So now you can see it's aligning center if you are opening this in your small devices now we can see it's also working fine on your small devices. So these are the basic concepts of the margin art Oh, and also the maximum width. So if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
So thanks for watching.