Today we are going to discuss about the lives first of all if you have some list of item for suppose apple and green or you want to show some element sequence Li like 12345. So how can you do that first of all, you always right and just now I'm saying ul ul means an order list. So in the UL you have allies, okay. So now you can write here for suppose I'm saying this is one and control the means and creating just second, third, fourth and now go to your page refresh the page. Now we can see you have defined the unordered list. So in this way, this is the unordered list.
List which your bullets point out. For suppose if you need the elements with sequence Li, like 1234 ascending order. So how can you do that, you just need to add the ordered list. Okay, or l means ordered list, go to your page refresh the page. So now as you can see it's currently showing 12345. So how this I'm just going to copy and paste here.
Now I'm using the unordered list here, also on here, and I'm saying this is a one, two, now this is a three and this is a four and this is high CBD oil, go to your page, refresh the page. Now as you can see, you have your ordered list, sorry, unordered list and you you have your order list. So this is your order list. And this is Your ordered list. In this way you can create two type of lists lists. Or suppose if you want to add some styling, you can add this tile and you can add the list for suppose I am saying type, I'm saying this.
Okay, so now go to your page, refresh the page. Okay, it's fine. And now I'm going to add the circle. circuit. Refresh the page. So now I can see your goal, you are adding the circle here.
And you have a lot of things or a lot of values here, like the square. Sorry, square, go to page refresh the page. So now you can see this is the squares or if I'm saying none, that means Removing the bullets or the unordered list or Okay, so I think this is enough for today in the next lecture we are going to cover some other topics from HTML language.