Today we are going to discuss about this Hi. So that is tie is the attribute or in simple words, we have a concept of CSS cascading style sheet. You can make your or you can design your website attractively or in simple words as you can see, I have my own website, Zillow calm. And now as you can see, these are the early forms and the black and white is Street. So as you can see, we have some color, some background colors, some images, and some columns. And as you can see when I hover all along the elements, so it's showing us the image and this is the menu bar.
So who is the responsible for this Nations or these colors? So CSS is the responsible for the colors for the background colors in simple words, how can you define your CSS color? So you always write your CSS with property and value are suppose property column. Well, like this, you always add you, you always have your property and you will make sure you have to add the column also. So how can you do that? First of all I need to add the paragraph.
First of all, I have a paragraph I'm saying this is my para. This is my Okay, go to your page refresh the page. Now as you can see, it changed this is my paragraphs. What happens if you need the this para red color? So you have to add this Hi, first of all, and now This is the attribute First of all, then we are going to assign some property and the values. Don't worry, we will discuss about the CSS dp in our next series, which is the CSS for from the basic or thesis for beginners.
So now I'm seeing that color color is the property column, I'm saying red. That means I'm saying Oh, just assign the red color to this element. So I'm adding the inline styling. Okay, so this is an inline styling, we will discuss about the inline styling internal styling, and that's journalist styling in our CSS, but for now, you can add the style attribute equals to sign and two braces, sorry, two commas and the property and the values. We have a lot of properties and a lot of values in the CSS, but we are going to use some basics, like color equals to red in this series it is asked. So as you can see, we have just added the right color, you can also assign the green.
Okay, you can also assign the black. You can also assign any, you can also assign the addition, hexadecimal value possible 7777 I don't know what is the order of 777. So it's not happening because I don't know about. Okay, so now as you can see, I'm just trashing the value. And I'm just assigning a value here. So this is the hexadecimal value.
So go to your page, refresh the page. So now you can see I have just added this color. So in this way, you can use the CSS or in this way you can tie your element with this tile at you. So I think this is enough for in the next lecture. We are going to cover the list in the HTML language.