Today we are going to discuss about the attribute in HTML and easily understand how can you use and how can you define your attributes. So first of all, what is an attribute in simple words attribute is a HTML elements. So first of all what is attribute attribute and define its element Yasuni. So, first of all HTML elements can have the attributes and attribute provides additional information about the elements and you can separate your attribute which you are a name and in simple words as we hope you can create your every attribute with name and value. So how can you do that for suppose this is the paragraph, paragraph is a tag name. And this is the paragraph close your closing the paragraph and this is the class that means You are defining additionally attribute you are separating your attribute from your paragraph and you are defining the name and the name of the attribute and the way you have that.
So, how you have learned how can you embed the image. So, this is the image tag and this is the attribute name and this is the way you can ask your attributes all the photo dot JPG like this. So, this is the attribute we will discuss about each and every attribute first of all you can add the class or your anchor hover address. So this is the attribute value. And definitely you can assign any ID jurors element so this is the actual You can define more than one attribute like this first attribute, my value, second attribute, my value, or suppose data ID is also the attribute, and data. Text, also the actual code we'll discuss about the attributes in our later lectures.
But for now, you can separate your attributes from your element First of all, and you always write your attribute with the name and values pair like this ID equals two value class equals two. So this is the name and this is the value and addition. So, this attribute defining the additional information or the giving the additional information so in simple words, attribute provides additionally informations So I think enough for doing the next session we are going to cover some other topics from the HTML then watching