Hi, welcome back week 10 flute lessons in the music coach program. This week, you're going to learn your second scale pattern. The second scale pattern is more of a cascade where we're going to walk up four steps and then back one and walk up and back. It's a little bit of a switching back shape. And it's going to be the same going up. And then coming down, it's going to be the same idea but in reverse, we're going to step down and then back up and then step down and then back up.
Here's what it's gonna sound like Asante. Now the notes are G, A, B, C and then go down to A, B, C, D, B, C, D, E, C, D, E, F sharp, D, E, F sharp, G, E, F sharp, G, F sharp, G and here's what it sounds like descending. Here are the notes for descending, start on G, F sharp, E, D, F sharp, D, the C, the C, the D, C, the A, C, the A, Shi, B, A, G, A, G. And just remember, the scale patterns are helping you to learn some new vocabulary for your improvising which you're going to be doing more of as we get towards the end of the program. Scale patterns are a great way to get from one place to another. And thinking about if I want to move higher in energy or in the scale that I'm using a scale pattern is an interesting route to take to get there.
All right, great work, and I'll see you in the practice room.