Hi, Welcome back to week two of flute lessons and the musical. Today, we're going to be working on learning the rest of the notes in the G major scale. Now, the G major scale is the scale that we're going to be using throughout the entire program. So all of the scale patterns, the bass notes for the harmony parts, and the melodies that you're going to learn are all part of this scale. Now, if you're unfamiliar with what major scales mean, or how the musical alphabet works, there are some videos that go before the course that are animated that will help explain all these things to you. Alright, just as a quick review our notes from last week were G, A, and B.
And we're going to start by adding C, which you're going to take your thumb off the back and the only key you're gonna be pushing down is the C key and it sounds like this. Then we're going to go into the second octave to play D. Now this is a big switch of fingers, you're going to put everything down and I'm explain all that. So like a G in the top hand, in your bottom hand, you're going to play these three keys. So the first key is, is controlled by other things. So you're going to skip over that first key and play the F key, the E key and the D key. So you have three fingers in the top plus your thumb and three fingers in the bottom.
Now, on a flute, one thing that's a little different is going to lead up your pointer finger. And this helps the note play more in tune. So it's going to look like this. Now at first, because we're in a different octave, it can be a little tricky to get the note to speak. So remember to try and roll back and forth if you're having trouble getting the note exactly perfect. Now, our next note Going to be E. For this, we're gonna put your pointer finger back down, lift up your ring finger in your right hand.
And we're also going to play something new, which is the E flat key. Now in the flute, this does a couple of things. It gives you a little more balance and grip on the instrument because we're kind of balancing it all the time. And it also helps the tuning and helps the note play a little more in tune. You can hear when I take the key on and off, it makes it go a little bit flat, so we're going to use that key. Now our next note is going to be F sharp, so you can lift up your pointer finger.
And now what we've got is three fingers on the top and the thumb, the middle finger and the right hand and the E flat key. And our last note is going to be the high g which is the same as the low g except we keep the pinky finger on the E flat key for balance. So once again, our new notes are C, D, E, F sharp, and G. And also remember this week to really work on the deep breathing, make sure to do the breathing exercise part of the practice video. And another little thing I wanted to mention with all of the practice videos, is if your shoulders getting tired or your face starts to get tired, you can always pause it and take a little break. You can take little breaks to stand up or move around, take a drink of water, sit back down.
You don't have to play it all the way through in real time. All right, great work and I'll see you in the practice videos.