Hi, welcome back to Week nine of flute lessons for the music coach program. This week, you're going to learn your first scale pattern. Now, scale patterns are simply a way of playing us any kind of scale in a different order. And the reason why this is such an important thing is it gets different muscle memory into your fingers so that you can approach moving higher or lower or ascending and descending in a different way than always playing the notes, G A, B, C, D in order. The scale pattern we're gonna learn this week is called thirds. So what's going to happen is you're going to start on G, but instead of going up to a, we're going to skip over it and go to B.
So the pattern is going to be G will skip up to B, then go backwards to A 10, skip up to C, then go backwards to B, then skip up to D, and then backwards to C. Skip up to E, backwards to D, skip up to F sharp, backwards to IE. Skip up to G, backwards to F sharp, F sharp again, and then ci. And here's what it sounds like. So here are those notes again, slowly one more time. She be a C D, D, C, D, D, F sharp, E, G sharp, F sharp, F sharp, G, you're also going to be playing the scale descending in thirds, which means starting on the high G and going down to the low G. Now the pattern is the same but flipped upside down. So we're going to start on the high G, and skip down to E. Go up to F sharp, and then skip down to D. Then go up to E, skip down to C, up to D, skip down to be up to C, skip down to a, up to B, skip down to G Ay, ay again, and then G. And here's what that sounds like.
And remember, breathe where you need to, and try and keep the flow going. So if you need to breathe and skip over a note, just go into the next note. All right, great work, and I'll see you in the practice video.