Hi, welcome back to Week Six of flute lessons in the music. This week, we're going to learn the B section melody. Now, like the A section melody, all of the notes come from the G major scale. But what makes this melody a little bit different is that we're going to enter in a pickup bar. What that means is, instead of the melody beginning right at the beginning of the bar, it's going to begin just before it and in the practice video, there's going to be a way to work on how to get in on write in on that insurance. Now, here are the notes.
We're gonna play E, F, sharp, G, G, G, F sharp, G, F sharp, m D, D, play one time for you. Now one thing about this melody that's also a little tricky is switching between E and D quickly. One thing to watch out for is to get used to moving your fingers as one thing. Now your hand is not created equal, not all of the fingers move at the same speed or have the same power. And there's a difference in power between whichever hand you're dominant with so whether you're right handed or left handed, a lot of playing any musical instrument is learning how to even out the speed and the force with which your fingers move. So that they're working as one unit all together.
And this is a good skill that's going to help you with so many other motor skill activities. But try and imagine evening things out rather than thinking of playing things faster, you're trying to play them more evenly. And one other thing when you're playing in the practice video with the melody. Remember, like we talked about before, you can stop whenever you need to if your face is getting tired, or you need a break. One other thing about entering the melody in the pickup bar is music has a lot to do with anticipation. So a good analogy that I like to use is if you're throwing a ball to someone who's running, you have to throw the ball to where they're going to be not where they are when you let it go.
And in a musical sense, this is takes the form of anticipating what's coming. So what as the counting is happening. Make sure to breathe before You need to play and be ready to deliver the notes in the air through the instrument in the moment where the note is taking place. If you wait and think I'm going to breathe in and breathe out in the same moment, you're always going to be behind. So just keep that in mind as you're working on this tricky entrance to the D section melody. All right, great work, and I'll see you in the practice video.