Why Poka Yoke a defects occur when mistakes are allowed to reach the customer. The aim of Poka Yoke is to design the process so that mistakes can be detected and corrected immediately eliminating defects at the source. Can you eliminate errors in your journey of improving processes, your idea will be to improve your business to such an extent that errors are completely eliminated. training and experience play a key role here, along with effective usage of systems and resources. However, the key question remains, can you really eliminate all the errors? The answer to this question is no.
You may not be able to eliminate errors, but minimize them to a great extent, especially if you belong to a human based industry, such as providing services Humans are bound to make errors. So your ideal should be to eliminate errors or at least minimize them. However, if errors are allowed to reach your customers it can result in defective products being sold commercially. Hence, the preferred method when it comes to eliminating or minimizing errors is through the use of Poka Yoke in your business processes.