Hey, Danny van here heartfelt awakening day seven. So let me share my screen with you really, really quick because this is going to be a quick one, we're going to be spending more time together later on. So on day seven, who is this week, just these 10 days are just flying by. So on day seven, maybe even addressing some of the blocks that might be coming up and demonstrating how EFT can help you recognize and acknowledge what is happening and then release it. So if you need any kind of clarification, you know if you're doing it right or anything at all, especially if you're new to meditation, some questions might come up as to whether or not you're doing it right. So prepare for that and I am looking forward to To spending some really good quality time with you and answering any of your questions during this 10 day.
All right, we'll see you soon. Blessings