Hello and welcome. This is Octavia Brooks demonic success mentor. In this visualization, we'll be working to develop our self confidence. Self Confidence is key to success in life and in business. joyful self confidence is contagious. People just want to be around it because it feels good and inspiring.
And those of us who worry about having too much ego often need to develop our egos in some ways. And this visualization we're going to work with a third chakra which is the seat of a healthy ego, a healthy ego, drive self confidence, dignity, willpower and passion. Healthy third chakra also helps us set good boundaries with others. So every interaction we are in is a win win win situation. Let's go into the visualization now. Begin by taking some deep breaths right into your heart space.
Feel your energy starting to calm, bringing yourself into complete presence in this moment. Feel the weight of your body wherever you're sitting and breathe deeply. Let us set sacred space for this sacred work. I'm asking the temple without boundaries to arrive here to open her gates to open her borders. To bring us into a safe and sacred space and asking her to bring all of her resources from throughout all time, space and dimension as needed for the highest vibrational outcome of this visualization. Next, we're going to call in the seven directions.
And then our guides, putting our hearts and sending our love into the East, connecting you with the element of air, calling in all the highest vibrational guides, guardians, allies, ancestors, angels, archangels, professors and protectors of East and air and ask you to bring clear fresh breezes to our mind. In the way we talk to ourselves, about ourselves, calling in East and air to clarify our thinking about who we really are, and everything we can be opening our hearts now and sending our love to the south and connecting him with element of fire. Calling in all the highest vibrational multi dimensional guides, guardians, allies, ancestors, angels, archangels, professors and protectors of self and a fire. Sign south in fire, we asked you to ignite our passion. We asked you to connect us with our souls purpose in this lifetime, and may it project through us through our third chakras through our firey third chakra Opening our hearts now and sending our love into West connecting with the element of water.
Calling in all the highest vibrational multi dimensional guides, guardians, allies, ancestors, angels, archangels, professors and protectors of West and have a water asking you to please arrive here. West in water, we ask you to please cleanse our emotions about how we feel about ourselves and to loosen up stuck places where we are unable to receive our greatness. we're unable to receive our true glorious nature as incarnated human beings in this plane of existence. Opening our hearts now and sending our love into the north and connecting With element of Earth, calling in the highest vibrational guides, guardians, allies, ancestors, angels, archangels, professors and protectors of Earth and of North and asking Earth and north to please help us to be solid in ourselves so that we can walk our path with clarity with dignity, and may our path be open to by our willpower. Opening our hearts now and sending our love down deep into the earth, all the way down to the center of the planet.
Connecting in with the multi dimensional kaleidoscopic heartbeat of Mother Earth and calling up that earth energy into our bodies and calling in her sacred vibration of empowered, embodied meant here on the third dimensional plane. Opening our hearts now and sending our love into the great above, connecting all the way out across the reaches of space into the multi dimensional kaleidoscopic heartbeat at the center of all the multiverses Mother Father Creator God, we asked for your presence here to guide us in a healthy balanced ego and to guide us in our awakening self confidence that is for the greatest good of all. Opening our hearts and sending our love into center now the intersection of all these elements and divine energies. Today our center is in our Solar Plexus area. Just below our rib cage and center we asked you to please arrive here you are that which into everything must return and from which everything is made manifest, the heartbeat of consciousness that flows throughout all time, space and dimension, the heartbeat of divine love.
And we asked divine love to flow through this entire session, bringing us into alignment with all of our missing pieces of ourselves. In order to bring us all home into the here and now grounded and connected into our beautiful third chakra, the seat in the home of our self awareness and self confidence. Drop your awareness now from your heart or for Wherever you have been into the third chakra and begin breathing right there into your own Center, the place of your soul's embodiment into your physical self. Imagine that you're standing here on a powerful platform, your feet firmly planted. And from this place of growing self confidence, send your love out now and call in your highest self your essential nature Your soul self into your third chakra and sending a call out now to all of your highest guides to please arrive here. anchor the energy and assist you in finding all the last pieces of your self confidence that you need in your life right now to take your next steps.
And we send out the call one more time to all of the Ascended Masters to all the gods and goddesses who are relevant for this visualization today. Asking them all to please arrive here now. Contribute to The safe and sacred container that we are in today begin to notice now in the four directions in the east, calling in a line of energy from the east with the assistance of the air elemental directly into your third chakra. Eastern Air we asked you to stabilize our ability to know ourselves to sort out fact from fiction in the ways we think about ourselves. Connect once again into South and fire and ask the fire elemental is to do the same Please anchor our third chakras with a line of stabilizing energy. connect us into our passion and into our creativity to our awareness of who we really are on a soul level.
Thank you fire, opening our hearts and asking West and water to please also contribute a line of stabilizing energy from our thoughts follow emotions, and we ask for our thoughts and emotions to be clarified by east and west by air and water and water we ask you to please clarify which emotions are true and accurate about ourselves and to help forge a beautiful and harmonious loving relationship with ourselves. Reaching out to North an earth once again and asking the earth elementals to please bring in a ray of energy to stabilize our third chakra. Earth in North we asked you to help us with healthy boundaries and to know what is ours to do in the world. And what is someone else's, so that all of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy can be brought to bear can come home for our purpose for our greatest purpose, to come into manifest reality Looking up now to the grade above.
Imagining that you are looking up into the sky above the earth. In there in the daylight you can see our beautiful sun in your imagination. Notice how bright and glorious The sun is. The sun is the keeper and the collector of all divine knowledge. connecting directly with creator and with creator connecting directly and knowledgeable about you your true nature and your true purpose. commune with the sun in this moment and know yourself even better.
Think now of five qualities and characteristics that are most important to you in your life. Right now, what are five qualities and characteristics whom you would most like to be in your life? send these requests now up into the sun. The sun hears your prayers for yourself and receives everything it needs from divine creator to resource and fully nurture and bring to fruition these qualities and characteristics. As you look up at the sun you may even notice specific places in the sun that you can see that are brewing and inky. paying your highest qualities of selfhood the sun now gives you its blessing.
Shining its solar rays directly into the top of your head. A part of the sun, as bright and brilliant and amazing as the sun is, begins to descend down these rays of sunlight. This is very specific to you. This Sun is for you and it enters now into your seventh chakra at the crown of your head. Opening your awareness to greater capacities of your mind to receive spiritual inspiration related to yourself hood related to your empowered embodiment related to a healthy ego and self confidence you are now blessed with an opening to receive divine guidance and inspiration about you yourself, who you are and what you came here to be. Receive now the sunlight even deeper into your mind into your sixth chakra feeling all of your synapses received This beautiful solar blessing as your mind receives new information and new pathways and passageways in your synapses, in your thought patterns in your thinking habits, receive new light, opening some pathways and closing others so that your mind can be attuned to positive thoughts and thinking about yourself.
You are being given permission to think only positive thoughts about yourself. Even in the cases where you have fallibility or make mistakes, as a human, you're still a fine upstanding human and you can receive your goodness. Feeling your mind become full of this solar energy, completely resourcing you to fulfill your desires and who you are, who you want to be. Bring now, this beautiful, glorious, golden sunny ball into your throat receive the blessings of the sun. into your throat chakra, so that you may communicate who you are to the world. You can communicate that you are trustworthy, that you have all of the best intentions.
And that you can keep your energy to yourself when it serves the greatest good. You can speak the words of connection standing in your truth and your power and a tuning your voice to gentleness the type of gentleness that is heard listened to visible And activated. Feel this blessing in your voice as your throat becomes stronger. Now allowing this beautiful golden sun ball to descend further into your high heart chakra which is at the top of your chest, the base of your throat. This is the chakra of being able to live your joyful purpose and feel the sun ball activating who you are really here to be everything about who you are, that is special and unique and needed. sired in this world.
Feel your high Heart Chakra being activated and opened and awakened now. And you may feel a river of sunlight pouring down your shoulders, down your arms and out of your hand chakras allowing you to carry who you are out into the world. The Golden fiery sun descends now into your heart chakra. blessing you with the awareness of self love all the different types and varieties of self love opening inside Do giving you permission to receive your greatest self. To trust your own self, to know that you are capable of living in integrity, with the promises you make to yourself flowing this solar energy into all of the aspects of your heart who need the blessings that you called in for yourself today? Feel the sun warming and the sunlight flowing to the deepest recesses of your heart, teaching and educating your heart in mastery self love drinking in this divine solar blessing.
Deep Blue deeply into your heart. How much more receptive Can you make your heart to this divine gift right now? Bringing this solar energy ball in its full potency down into your third chakra into your solar plexus right Now feeling your third chakra become activated, open, awakened the parts of you You did not know before I come online now the parts of you who know how to stand in empowerment the parts of you who are connected to your passion the parts of you who project self confidence all around you the parts of you who know how to project your will, out into the world so that it Done. Feeling this solar blessing, this divine gift, this divine blessing, rolling around in your fire chakra the element of fire here transforming the lower vibrations of your former self definition. In fact consuming and requiring your former self definition to be consumed and replaced by this healthy, blazing fire.
This beautiful solar gift. This raging fire in your third chakra empowers your ego and yet consumes the imbalances in your ego that would bring upon you influences that you do not desire in your life. We asked once again for air, fire, water and earth to anchor and stabilize our third chakra as this awakening and transformation unfolds within your third chakra How much more can you accept yourself? offer all the places where you have issue with yourself. When you have problems with yourself, allow all of those places and spaces to be consumed now by this raging fire set off by the sun, here in your third chakra how much more can you say yes to what you want and what you want to have happen in your life. Say yes to your work.
Power. Say yes to your goodness. Say yes to your glory. Say yes to self trust and self love. Feeling all of your upper chakras now lit up with this beautiful solar light. This awareness of who you truly are and feel now that solar radiation pouring into your lower chakras as well.
Bringing your first and second chakras into alignment with your highest self. Turn your hands palms up and allow the solar energy to flow once again down your arm channels and out your hands. connected to your will. Your will made manifest through your ways of working in the world and now celebrate celebrate what you have accomplished with all of you online with all of your parts and pieces that were hidden from you, now online and aligned with your healthy ego, your healthy self confidence, your passion, and your will made manifest. Celebrate, celebrate yourself all the good things you bring into the world. And take those beautiful enlightened arms and hands and wrap them around yourself.
Now giving yourself a beautiful sacred hug of accomplishment and celebration. The pathways of worthiness are now open. And this fire will continue to burn through any other layers and levels that need to be clarified, cleaned and released. Take a deep breath now. integrating all of these changes that you've made today, with the assistance of this solar energy letting the breath fill your entire body from head to toe Bringing the visualization to a close now and returning back to where you're seated. If you have water nearby, take a sip of water, pat yourself down in return.
After doing a visualization like this, you may have some temporary ego flare ups as you integrate and stabilize all of these parts of you returning home in this period of a few days or a few weeks, and always remember to talk nicely to yourself. Make amends with anyone who was impacted by your ego flare up and forgive yourself easily reinforced reinforce who you truly are with the words you tell yourself. For example, I am loving and kind, dignified and confident. I am a force of positive good in the world and with everyone around me. Choose yourself, talk mindfully and repeat these positive affirmations frequently. Thank you so much for joining me today.
I look forward to our next connection. Have a fantastic rest of your day.